That has to do with the cultural expectations placed on words within the context of texting.“Perhaps because we have become accustomed to exclamation points and emojis, when they are missing, the text can seem angry or cold,” notes Dr. Tchiki Davis, founder of the Berkeley Well Being Institute. Hopefully he would be in a better mood after they got back home. A sentence must convey a meaning by tone of voice and it must be the particular meaning the writer intended. And if you'd seen the way he got into the song, even in his tone-deaf, screechy manner, you'd fall in love with this song, too. So to create a feeling of love, there must be both joy and trust. Tone is a major manipulator of meaning. Using many descriptive words and serene scenes, the tone of the poem is calmness and relaxation. A sentence must convey a meaning by tone of voice and it must be the particular meaning the writer intended. Instantly the playful mood was back. "Victor speaks these words at the very beginning of the novel, setting an ominous mood for the rest of the tale.In a different context, this quotation would be full of woe and misery. Cultural norms often dictate how those are perceived. 92. Her voice has a pleasant tone. He replied in a friendly The tone of voice, and its meaning must be in black and white on the page (Thompson 204). she said sadly. 35 28 If his tone was any indication, he wanted more. Let's take a look at it, from an ordinary sense and a literary viewpoint.A good way to uncover the depths of tone is to try writing in different mediums. Delivered to your inbox! 51. 4. Write a news story; write a poem; write an opinion piece. 201+35 sentence examples: 1. The writer's tone will illustrate various feelings or emotions, and the reader will develop those emotions and process them in the form of their own mood. He spoke in a decided tone. She was toned and curvy, her skin as soft as her voice. In a way, voice is the umbrella under which tone and mood develop. “If I remember the language of something I’ve read, I am remembering the tone. It can convey the positive, negative, neutral, and everything in between.Let’s say you were invited to someone’s party. I'm in no mood to watch a cat fight tonight. 403. Here are some examples. The reader must have no choice in the matter. ( 6. Examples of Tone in a sentence. 2. If you’re texting someone you just met and are interested in romantically, the difference between “For sure!” and “Ok” can be painfully apparent. This will help you adopt different tones and allow you to move gracefully through all of your creations.Let's explore various examples of tone from literary masterpieces. Every adjective and adverb you use, your sentence structure, and the imagery you use will show your tone. vocal or musical sound of a specific quality; especially : musical sound with respect to timbre and manner of expression… See the full definition It's difficult to see set the tone in a sentence . This overview sets the tone for the remainder of the interview. He spoke in a tone of weary cynicism. 201+35 sentence examples: 1. where your decision-making comes from) to produce the relationship between emotion and the written word. For more on the subject, take a look at this To help you master it, we’ve put together this guide to tone, emotion, and writing:Tone is the attitude your writing employs. “If the reader doesn’t respond the way you want them to,” says Lara, “you don’t have a reader.”Tone, like language itself, works because people agree on the meaning behind words. My sisters can both sing, but my mother is tone … 4. As Venus, Schneider-Hofstetter sang with a harsh tone and wobbly pitch.

That is, you can pick up on common catch phrases or repeated themes in their works. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. > What are some examples of tone in sentences? the author’s attitude toward a subject in a work. Mood sentence examples. Or to make envy, you’d combine sadness and anger. I have to mine the work incredibly closely if I’m going to help the author complete a piece that doesn’t further marginalize folks who are often not portrayed, or not lovingly portrayed, on the page.”Even if you aren’t writing a book about complex topics like race, gender, and class, tone-based misinterpretation can still happen in everyday exchanges. With teenagers, the tone in their voices can often times be negative due to their bad attitudes.