The highest rated post in Reddit history is this meme which gained a whopping 350,000 upvotes. 2019 brought more than 199 million posts to Reddit, ranging from the phenomena of bread stapled to trees to the The data, compiled through October 2019, highlights growth in the online community, including a 37% increase in monthly comments and a 53% jump in monthly views. Here are 15 awful posts that somehow soared to the front page of popularity.The users of Reddit obviously care about the neutrality of the internet and the right to remain relatively anonymous when online.

At some point, we're going to have an embarrassing moment with our parents.

Ice_Burn 642 7.

The post is of that juggling scene, but edited so that he actually is chucking balls---complete with over-the-top music.The fight for net neutrality was one that was popular in many subreddits, but this post in /r/books received 179,000 upvotes. The Top Reddit Posts Are Under 120 Characters (The Best Are Between 60 and 80 Characters) Before sharing content on Reddit, you can add a title to your post. Reddit is the largest group of communities self-organized around passion not just on the Internet but in the history of the world. We've gathered some of the biggest and most interesting posts in Reddit history so you can acquaint yourself with the site and its community. But the more resumes you send out, the higher your chances of landing a gig is, right?

So the ruse failed.This has been a round-up of the most-popular Reddit posts of all time. Before you post to Reddit, you have the option of adding a title. Complex

186394 1,125 4. Reddit Readings: Top Stories and Posts But, if you're smart about it, you can remain anonymous on the Internet, and Reddit can become a playground for your wildest secrets. Sadly, the image doesn't actually appear when you search Google. The experienced player is shielding the younger one from enemy fire while they learn the controls.If you've ever taught someone the ropes on games like World of Warcraft or Fortnite, you should relate to this comic.Those words are repeated ad nauseam in this video that shows what happens when one company owns lots of local news stations.

Naturally, some subreddits are more popular than others, so we're limiting this list to one post per subreddit.Wikipedia is a source for the weird and wonderful. The platform saw 1.7 billion comments and 32 billion upvotes this year.Ironically, the post with the most upvotes is one that criticizes “Given that reddit [sic] just took a $150 million investment from a Chinese censorship powerhouse, I thought it would be nice to post this picture of ‘Tank Man’ at Tienanmen Square before our new glorious overlords decide we cannot post it anymore,” the post, which has more than 228,000 upvotes, reads.

The second most upvoted post with 225,000 upvotes is in the r/gaming thread, While those were the posts with the most upvotes, Reddit also noted several trends from the year, including stapling bread on trees, honoring the late Grumpy Cat, and the #trashtag challenge.

Cornell student Horace He has sought to change that with his site We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.

You can check out the ranking hot. There are many ways to organize posts on Reddit, but none that reveal the most despised content to ever grace the site. That one secret that, if it came out, would result in some awkward run-ins with your family, friends, and anyone in your social circle. Across all subreddits, we found that posts with titles of 60–80 characters consistently generated the most upvotes. These icons will sort the posts by Best, Hot, New, Top, or Rising.

card. Behold, the top Reddit posts of 2019, which cover a variety of topics, from literal poop, to censorship, to VCRs. Users who press the button just after the clock resets get purple or blue flair, while those who wait for the counter to tick away get orange, yellow, or red flair.

Of course, you can simply change the year and the joke will be timeless. 1. Complex top.

By clicking ‘Sign up’, you agree to receive marketing emails from Business Insider The platform saw 1.7 billion comments and 32 billion upvotes this year.Ironically, the post with the most upvotes is one that criticizes “Given that reddit [sic] just took a $150 million investment from a Chinese censorship powerhouse, I thought it would be nice to post this picture of ‘Tank Man’ at Tienanmen Square before our new glorious overlords decide we cannot post it anymore,” the post, which has more than 228,000 upvotes, reads. It comes with growing up (and a lot of it will happen when you hit puberty, unfortunately).

Reddit users came through to give him some tips, while others just wanted to give him props for his gaming commitment. Except most of these pictures show him with fans who were in the middle of playing the game, and, well, see if you can catch a recurring theme here:One of the most popular posts in Reddit history was never meant to be read.