Basically, any cat with siamese genes is considered a siamese mix. Give your new kitty his own space with feeding bowl, litter tray, and toys.Gradually introduce the two cats, or dog, letting them get used to each others scent.

Expect to pay anywhere from £200-500 if you get your kitty from a breeder. Only the extremities will have the different colorations. The TCA’s Traditional Siamese has a round head and a big-boned, rounded body. It is known for its long, willowy body, huge ears, and a head that is shaped like a sharp wedge. They will follow their companions around and strike up a conversation about everything and anything. These cats are currently the standard show cats. We had one just like this. Siamese cats in general are beautiful, elegant, and somewhat regal creatures with a real air of elegance and class to them. They are a pair of Siamese who help their newspaperman owner solve mysteries. Siamese are bright enough to deal with other cats, and won’t get lost!Allowing your cat to run freely outside is the best form of exercise.

Even though he is soft-spoken, a Lynx point Siamese cat loves to deliver tiny harmless bites when playing.

If you’re out all day and there are no other pets in your home, you probably won’t make a good match.If your cat has a mix of siamese it’s highly likely she’ll be very vocal and demanding. Fortunately, this excellent and beautiful pet can now be enjoyed by any cat lover. It is known as the second original Siamese that was brought over from Siam, Thailand.On both the traditional and the classic Siamese, their coats are short, thick and very soft to the touch.The modern or "extreme wedge" has a unique look to it. Siamese mixed breeds are a popular cat throughout the world. Click the button and find it on your computer. While all Siamese cats have the color point pattern, this color is genetically recessive. A genuine cat breeder will have no problem with you visiting their premises or asking plenty of questions.Adopting a cat is not something to be done on a whim. Our cats won't drink out of anything else, and yours will love it too!Check out this interview with our very own Tamstercat on the Pet Radio Show! This look became popular in the 1980s, but the breeding required to achieve it also resulted in increased risk of kidney failure and heart problems. Hi Samra, send us a pic and we can see what we can do! Though there’s no guarantee you won’t start sneezing, siamese shed far less hair than other breeds.It’s worth noting that cat allergies are often caused by the Feel d 1 protein, produced through urine, saliva and skin. The nose is wider with no dip. Siamese mix cats are basically a cross breed. Don't worry — your e-mail address is totally secure.© Copyright 2009-2015  This information is not professional medical advice. Expect to be followed everywhere you go and be prepared to share everything!Your kitty won’t like being left alone and will soon get bored and very lonely.

These cats tend to be more athletic looking. Though it was believed my cat had never been outside at 3 years old, he took to it very quickly.Any cat who’s part siamese will probably have healthy genes. The TCA’s Traditional Siamese has a round head and a big-boned, rounded body. It started occurring due to gene mutation but never affected the ability to see.Oddly enough, siamese cats had to cross their eyes to focus properly! Any Siamese mix cat has Siamese traits due to the breed's very dominant gene structure. The Traditional Siamese is said to be the original cat imported from Thailand. It will be difficult to determine what color of adult cat you will have since all Siamese cats are born either Whether an adult or kitten, if you have decided to They’re little busy bodies and very inquisitive, so anything unattended will be fair game!Interactive puzzle toys are great for keeping your clever siamese amused. The only way to get a true identification is with gene testing. They carry themselves like princesses (or princes! There are different types of Siamese cats - the result of a long breeding program. The different types of Siamese cats have distinct markings and coloration, and knowing how to tell these apart is a great skill for breeders, owners, and enthusiasts. The Siamese Mix breed is a perfect example of this. Wedge shaped heads and striking blue almond shaped eyes are the norm today.