He went on to the University of Illinois and later the Chicago Academy of Fine Arts.
I’m pretty sure that if I somehow found this book in storage, there would be snack crumbs between the pages of these Shel Silverstein poems. I smile when I find people who love his poetry like I do because every person is another person who understood what an underface was. There are also examples of half-rhyme in the poem. The lines follow a simple rhyme scheme of ABAB ACAC and are all very similar in length.

I’m guessing that underneath their outside face, is a face that has a completely different emotion. This poem makes me feel happy. The Giving Tree study guide contains a biography of Shel Silverstein, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. So Underface spoke to me because I felt like everyday I went outside wearing a mask. It’s an easy poem to understand and it really makes you think how doing your favorite thing can make you forget on all the bad stuff.Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: ‘The Bridge’ by Shel Silverstein is an eight-line poem that is contained within one stanza of text. Title: Underface by Shel Silverstein. The poet is trying to elicit thoughtfulness in this poem.Line 2: “There’s a face that none can see.” I think this is the shift because the tone doesn’t continue.It is a great poem. Children, teenagers, and adults as well, can all identify with the message of this poem for children from Shel Silverstein published in his book, "Every Thing On It." Underface; Prev Poem. You’re not alone. Sheldon Allan “Shel” Silverstein (1930-1999) was an American poet, cartoonist, screenwriter, and author of children’s books. In this poem, the speaker describes their outside face and ‘underface.’

Paraphrase: Stanza 1: This poem is describing that they have an outside face, and another face beneath their outside face. Underneath my outside face There’s a face that none can see. I think most of these Shel Silverstein poems speak to me because they made me feel less alone. Underface- Shel Silverstein. The pages were dog-eared to hell, the dust jacket was terribly torn. Famous Children Poem. So, I spent most of my time with my friends smiling and laughing and pretending I wasn’t a weird, anxious mess and at how if I panicked then I panicked and I wasn’t afraid of being judged because…I was panicking alone in my room. A little less smiley, A little less sure, But a whole lot more like me. I hated it, but I also sort of learned to embrace it. It helped me realize there were other people who were a little less smiley and a little less sure than they pretended to be outside. Analysis of Shel Silverstein's poems - description of poetic forms and elements. We were familiar even if we were strangers, and that was a beautiful thing.I can relate to the poem. By the age of seven, he had developed a passion for drawing. Stanza 1: This poem is describing that they have an outside face, and another face beneath their outside face. The thing was, panicking alone in my room was more me than smiling and laughing with my friends. Some days I still feel like I’m wearing another face, but I also feel like it’s more okay than I did before this poem.This poem helped me realize I was not the only person who wore a second face. Maybe they like to read, when they read the other face comes up.It’s a neutral poem describing you have more than one face, you can have an outside face, sad face etc. I don’t think I told my normal readers this, but I spent much of my life suffering from depression, anxiety and panic attacks.
Underface by Shel Silverstein. Shel Silverstein was born in September of 1930 in Chicago, Illinois. I didn’t even know anxiety and panic attacks were not one in the same for a while there.

It is described well, you can understand the meaning easily, and describing that you always have another face that activates when you are doing the thing you love to do.Recommendation: Yes, I would recommend this to a friend. This poem spoke to me when I was younger and has never stopped speaking to me. Study Guide for The Giving Tree. It was another person who had heard the story of where the sidewalk ends. This poem spoke to me when I was younger and has never stopped speaking to me. Maybe they like to read, when they read the other face comes up. His books have sold over 20 million copies. Attitude: They’re hilarious and creepy and often bizarre. Next Poem . Silverstein structured the majority of them to contained ten syllables.

Many of us put on a “happy face” to start the day when we’re feeling anything but happy. I’m guessing that underneath their outside face, is a face that has a completely different emotion.