The drink then goes down ultra smooth with no burn and a nice refreshing gin tastes left in your mouth. Which is better you may ask, well I honestly don't know. All that is left is a sweet tonic taste and a slight sour lime bite. The English got a hold of genever during the 80 Years War and the 30 Years War in the 1600s, where it was referred to as “Dutch courage.”Over time, genever lost the wine base for a distilled neutral spirit base, but kept the juniper. The Piney taste and the lime go together great for the initial taste as it first hits your tongue. There are some iconic vodka cocktails, however, including the Gin is a liquor with some level of juniper flavor that’s bottled at at least 40 percent alcohol by volume. The bottom line is that in this case vodka isn't killing gin, they are both on equal status in my book. The drink tasted like a sweet watered down vodka martini, which was good, but still not what I was hoping for.In both mixes, the tonic water didn't at all show up in me tastes, so I decided to squeeze the lime in and see what difference that made for each of them.Gin: Wow. The added lime helps this mixture even more than it helps out the gin. David King, owner of Baldoria told me, "Gin is essentially vodka's more interesting cousin. But it does lack the addition of flavor that the gin adds to the gin and tonic, not that it tastes like there is anything missing in it.Verdict: Both of these drinks are wonderful with the added lime. Is the old saying that gin is dead and vodka can be used in any drink that gin is called for and it taste better true?

The Juniper, gin’s defining characteristic, tastes primarily like pine, but is also herbaceous and floral. Both. Popular cocktails with gin include the Negroni, the classic Martini (which was originally always made with gin), and the Gin and Tonic. The Fittingly, the word “vodka” comes from the Russian word for water, “voda.” Vodka isn’t the only clear spirit, of course. Other possibilities include carrots, beets, and even milk.Whatever the primary ingredient, it is first fermented and then distilled. Gin and tonic are as synonymous with each other as beans and toast - but one expert is saying we should be swapping our traditional mixer for soda water instead. With the copious amounts of gin styles that are on the market today, everyone is certain to … This is the drink that I will be drinking on hot summer days as it goes down so smooth and is so refreshing. The average alcohol content between bot beverages are the same but you can find Vodka that have more than 70% alcohol. The both exceeded my expectations as I was expecting there to be a large amount of alcohol burn with each of them, but the lime hid that burn nicely. There are also Vodka cocktails most commonly take on the characteristics and flavors of whatever else is mixed in the drink. Unlike Vodka that have many flavorings, Gin usually flavored with limited flavorings. Gin became the base spirit for many of the first batch of classic cocktails.Regardless of the style, gin can be produced in three ways.Both gin and vodka can be made out of just about anything, but some common bases are corn, wheat, rye, potato, grapes, and sorghum. This drink goes down so smooth I would of never guessed that there is alcohol in it (which could get pretty dangerous). If it’s a vodka cranberry, it tastes a lot like cranberry. Whereas a gin and tonic relies on the flavor of gin's botanicals, this vodka cocktail is very clean, which allows the taste of the tonic water to really shine against the tart snap of lime. It’s designed to be flavorless (well, other than flavored vodka), clear, and in all ways indistinct. Gin vs Vodka It’s easy to think of gin as essentially a flavored vodka, but several intricacies distinguish the two. If Gin is often serve as Gin & Tonic, Vodka is usually drink neat without additional mixing or even ice. The vodka tonic is an easy-to-make, refreshing mixed drink that is an enjoyable way to unwind at the end of the day.

They were both great drinks and I wouldn't be disappointed with either. This usually occurs multiple times in order to remove as much flavor as possible. I would want the vodka and tonic more on a hot summer day where as the gin and tonic I would prefer more sitting around inside with a group of friends, but they could both work both places. Gin and tonic go hand in hand. Here is a primer outlining the differences and similarities between vodka and gin.Vodka is defined by what it’s not. Swap a vodka tonic (175 calories) for a vodka, soda, and lime (106 calories). Then, water is added to bring the spirit down to 40 percent alcohol by volume, and in the case of gin, it is mixed with juniper and other herbs and spices.

But the enduring drink is facing growing competition from a variation in the form of gin and soda.