is called The dominant factors in the desert habitat are scarcity (shortage) of water and high temperature.The plants and animals have to protect themselves from excessive loss of water and too much heat.In desert, there are animals like desert rats and desert snakes which do not have long legs like camel to keep their body away from hot desert sand. The brown colour of deer helps it to hide in dry grasslands without being noticed by lion, etc.5. From the depths of the ocean to the top of the highest mountain, habitats are places where plants and animals live. Since the aquatic plants do not have to depend on their roots to obtain water and dissolved minerals, their roots are very short and small. Although the vast majority of life on Earth lives in mesophyllic (moderate) environments, a few organisms, most of them microbes, have managed to colonise extreme environments that are unsuitable for most higher life forms. Lotus plant grows and lives in the water of a pond. Like your home, habitats support life by providing the food, water and shelter that its inhabitants need to survive. Unit 6 - Habitats A habitat is a place where certain organisms (plant and animal species) naturally live and grow. Give two examples of aquatic habitat?Question 12 Why speed is important for the survival of animals like deer which live in grassland habitat?Question 13 How is frog adapted to live in water and on land?Question 14 Describe the breathing process in sea animals like dolphins and whales?Question 15 Describe the various adaptations of desert animals?Question 16 Describe the various ways in which mountain plants is adapted to live in mountain?Question 17 How is snow leopard adapted to live in cold mountain region having snow all around?Question 18 How is mountain goat adapted to survive in a mountain region?Question 19 Name the three types of aquatic plants?Question 20 Why mountain trees are cone shaped having sloping branches?The place (or surroundings) where a plant or animal lives is called its A habitat provides food, water, air, light, shelter (protection), and a place for breeding to the plants and animals living in it. Some plants prefer to live in hot and dry areas of land. The Camel is adapted to live in a desert because of its following special features:1) The camel has long legs which help to keep its body away from the hot sand in the desert.2) A camel can drink large amount of water (when it is available)and store it in the body.3)A camel’s body is adapted to save water in the dry desert as follows : A camel passes small amount of urine; its dung is dry and it does not sweat. The fish is adapted to live life in water because of its following special features:1) The head, trunk and tail of a fish merge to form a streamlined shape. Habitats form a vast tapestry of life across the Earth's surface and are as varied as the The aquatic plants do not need strong stems because the surrounding water of a pond, lakes ,river keeps them up.3.The submerged aquatic plants have narrow and thin ribbon-like leaves which bend in the flowing water of rivers and streams and hence do not obstruct the flow of water. By using ThoughtCo, you accept ourHow the Sixth Mass Extinction Affects the U.S. EconomyTree Communities of the Forest Biomes of North America Dolphins and whales breathe in air through  blowholes when they swim near the surface of water. 1)The roots of partly submerged plants are fixed in the soil below water at the bottom of pond, lake or river. ThoughtCo uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Give two example of terrestrial habitat?Question 11 What is meant by aquatic habitat? This helps in the survival of all the organisms in a habitat.In a habitat, soil, water, air many other components of physical environment are also present, Thus, a The term “biotic” means “living” So, the living things in a habitat are its biotic components. Quiz. A habitat provides food, water, air, light, shelter (protection), and a place for breeding to the plants and animals living in it. This protects its feet from cold when it walks on the snow.2) The snow leopard has a thick layer of fat beneath its skin for insulation” to protect it from cold.3)The snow leopard has a rounded body and small ears to keep the body surface area to a minimum. Dolphins and whales can stay inside water for long time without breathing. 3)The cactus plants store water in their stems.The stems of a cactus plant is covered with thick waxy layer (called cuticle) which prevents the loss of water from it through evaporation.4) Cactus plant have long and deep roots to absorb water from a larger area.A very high hill is called a mountain. Deserts and scrublands are landscapes that have scarce precipitation. Over thousands of years, the abiotic factors of a region change. She has taught at the high school and university levels in the U.S. and South Korea. Grasslands experience dry and rainy seasons. Each has a different assortment of climate characteristics, species compositions, and wildlife communities. A living thing can survive in a particular habitat if its body is suited or adapted to the environment or conditions of that habitat. This is because cactus is adapted to live on very little water for long periods of time. Despite the vast variability that may exist from one place to the next, there are some general types of habitats. Ask students what a habitat is.

Dr. Kallie Szczepanski is a history teacher specializing in Asian history and culture. The snow leopard has also fur on its feet and toes. Forests extend over about one-third of the world's land surface and can be found in many regions around the globe. All the parts of such plants (including stem, branches and leaves) grow under water. 2) In the mountain habitat, it is very cold during winter and snowfall may also occur.3) At very low temperatures in winter, the soil water freezes and hence becomes unavailable to the roots of trees and plants. The stems of aquatic plants are soft, hollow and light, having large spaces filled with air.