However these are not as widely recommended as the methods mentioned above because they change the taste of drinking water, which can discourage a bird from drinking enough, and they can promote the growth of bacteria and fungi in drinking containers.Once you get the balance of seed and fresh foods correct there is some space for the occasional treat or something a little extra that your tiel will enjoy and which will add some more variety to their diet.Here’s a few suggestions you might want to try out:Millet sprays are simply a branch or stick of natural millet plant that has not had the seeds removed.Millet sprays are a great way to provide some extra stimulation for your birds as they try to remove all the seeds from the spray. Here is a list of some suitable herbs, wild plants and tree’s that are safe for budgies. Pellets come in different shapes and sizes. Let’s break it down and talk about each of the important components individually.Let’s start with seed because it is going to be the mainstay and staple if your cockatiels diet.Seed is most commonly served in a bowl or dish sometimes hung from the cage wall or placed on the floor. Once again which type depends largely on what’s in season but small wild berries such mistletoe berries are very popular.Greens and vegetation, including leaves, tree branches and bark make up the final 5 to 10%, but also includes such greenery as meadow grasses and herbs. Seed and grain makes up roughly 60 to 70% of the cockatiels staple diet.Of the remaining balance, roughly 20 to 25% is made up of wild fruits, vegetables and berries. You should make sure to include deep green veggies such as spinach, kale, chards. In their native homeland in Australia, cockatiels eat seeds based on what is currently in season. When you keep a pet cockatiel you should strive to give them a varied diet.containing seeds, greens and fruit. It can be a nice treat on occasions.Yes, Chicken is a good source of protein for cockatiels. Your bird can eat mango as a part of a varied diet.Yes. Yes. Please note that are some fruits such as avocado that you should never feed to your bird. You can feed your bird raisins. Cockatiels can eat bread. Your bird can eat mango as a part of a varied diet. But it wasn't always this way. You may also be able to feed your cockatiel certain outdoor plants like dandelions as long as you’re sure they haven’t been sprayed with pesticide. Calcium deficiency leads to brittle bones and breeding problems, such as soft shells and egg binding, which can be fatal.

It is easier to give your birds a good diet if you base it on pellets but you can do the same without giving them pellets. It is a good healthy choice for them. Bananas are soft and easy to eat.Yes, your cockatiel can eat peanuts as long as the peanuts are human grade and free from mold. 11 Foods Cockatiels Can Eat In Moderation: Certain foods like high-sugar fruits and cooked starchy vegetables are safe for your cockatiel but should only be offered in moderation. Can cockatiels eat mango? Every day I'm learning something new about my pets and I'm excited to share what I learn with others who are keen to learn more about their own pets. Most cockatiels love raisins and will happily eat them.Yes. Iodine deficiency causes thyroid enlargement, restricting breathing and usually leading to death.It’s a good idea to give your birds constant access to a source of calcium and iodine. It should never make up more than 5% of your birds overall and varied diet. Wild cockatiels flies many miles each day.

The fruits can be given without cooking or other treatment, the vegetables generally need to be cooked before feeding them to your bird. Examples of goods fruits to include in their diet include grapes, apples, oranges, mango, blueberries, bananas, Rambutans, papaya and a number of other soft fruits.Always remove the seeds from the fruit. This post may contain affiliate links. When offering bread, you should always seek out whole wheat options. Change it if you see that it is dirty. A mineral block also has the added benefit of helping your bird keep its beak trim.This is how I supplement calcium and iodine for my birds. Old peanuts can be covered I mold that is dangerous for cockatiels. The main fresh food for cockatoos: vegetables and fruits. Ryan Clarkstone. Obesity is one the most common health problems among cockatiels in capitivity and one of the mainr reasons they live a short life than they should. Fruit should be a part of any cockatiels diet. The seeds are dangerous for your bird.Yes. If that’s you then this simple guide will answer all your questions about what to feed our tiel to ensure it lives a long and healthy life.Lets unpack this further and explore exactly what a natural tiel diet looks like and how you can replicate this for your birds.The typical wild cockatiel diet consists predominantly of grass and grain seeds. This is not true. The constant variety of plant material provides them with a huge array of nutrition, with additional elements coming from minute amounts of soil the birds consume in water or on food.Like many other Australian parrots, including the budgerigar or parakeet, cockatiels don’t need to consume grit (small pebbles, gravel or sand) in order to digest their food.

It is not hard to do so but require a little more work then using pellets. Most birds love sprouted seed and you can feed it to them anytime you like, especially if you are making it from regular seed mix. I still enjoy the companionship of pets today and I share this joy with my own young family. It is usually best to shred the carrots.Almost all fruits except Avocados are good choices to include in the diet of your bird. Do not give them too much meat. They should never be given just seeds. If you're the owner of a cute little guinea pig you may have wondered at some point whether you need to trim their nails, and if so how to do it. If you’re interested in learning how to sprout your own seeds check our Treat sticks are those treats made from seeds glued together in a stick or some other shape with honey or sugar.Birds do enjoy these treats but they are the equivalent of giving them candy. In the wild cockatiels get almost all of their required vitamins and minerals from the foods they eat.