Sadly, okra isn’t a highly popular fruit, which is why you won’t find fresh okra in all grocery stores. Okra seeds don't do well in cold soil, so be sure to plant them once your soil has warmed, around late spring. It contains mucilage, which is a naturally occurring substance that’s responsible for the slimy texture of okra.

The green okra is the most common form found in the U.S. with pods that can look fuzzy or smooth, long or short, pointed or rounded, and depending on the variety, plants that grow three to eight feet tall. It's sliced and used to thicken the gumbo. However, it is worth a try. Everything You Need to Know About It It’s alright if the stems are a little brown; however, the greener the pod and stem are, the likelier it is that the okra is incredibly fresh. #CookingChewTribeWhat Does Okra Taste Like? It is grown in various parts of the world including India, Pakistan, Egypt, Ghana, Mexico, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan, and the US. Flour . It tastes similar to a green bean- the difference is there's gooeyness to the center- yes, it is like slime. Okra is commonly found in gumbo. With that said, okra gets more attention for its texture rather than its taste; it has an extremely slimy texture! Ever since, it has been a mainstay in traditional Southern cooking, where it’s simmered into stews such as gumbo (the term “gumbo” comes from the West African word for okra), pickled like cucumbers, or breaded and fried. Covered with a flour or cornmeal batter, fried okra is served with a dipping sauce such as ranch dressing, and has a slightly musky taste from the okra and a crunchy exterior. It is also known as ladyfinger due to its slender, tube-like shape that resembles a finger. People tend to find okra to be similar to eggplant in flavor. Okra has a mild taste with grassy hints that are unique to the okra flavor. There are many varieties of okra, with names like Clemson Spineless, Annie Oakley, Baby Bubba Hybrid, Cajun Delight, Louisiana Green Velvet, and more. This will ensure that the stored okra doesn’t release too much moisture during cooking. When you want to cook refrigerated okra, make sure to take it out of your fridge and wait for it to come to room temperature. Okra has a peach-like fuzz on the exterior and is filled with tiny white seeds. It contains mucilage, which is a naturally occurring substance that’s responsible for the slimy texture of okra. This fuzzy green “veggie” is a fruit because it’s the seed pod of the okra plant. There are various ways in which you can cook okra. Sadly, okra isn’t a highly popular fruit, which is why you won’t find fresh okra in all grocery stores. Okra, a common ingredient featured in Southern cooking, is actually a fruit eaten as a vegetable! Okra flavour is similar to that of green beans, so substitute for French runner beans as well as other edible pods like mangetout and sugar snaps, however these two are somewhat sweeter in flavour. Then, throw them in an ice water bath and chop them up. Alternatively, you can use plastic wrap to wrap it loosely.

These edible pods can be added to stews as a thickener, as they release starch when sliced, or lightly fried and tossed into salads.Because of its elongated shape, okra is also known as "ladies fingers."

Storing Okra. Okra has a peach-like fuzz on the exterior and is filled with tiny white seeds. Although it can be eaten raw in salads, when cooked, it can be used as a replacement for okra.Okra's mild flavour and slightly slimy texture is similar to that of roasted aubergines, although bear in mind the latter can add a smoky taste to your dish.Okra flavour is similar to that of green beans, so substitute for French runner beans as well as other edible pods like mangetout and sugar snaps, however these two are somewhat sweeter in flavour. Just make sure to dry it thoroughly before cooking. When the seedlings reach about three inches high, thin the plants so they are 12 to 18 inches apart. The more lightly it's cooked, the more obvious these flavors will … Those of us from the South enjoy okra. Pair this along with its intermittent availability and more often than not, you'll find yourself searching for an okra substitute. Alternatively, if you don't have flour on-hand, add another starchy vegetable like potato. However, before you cook it, just make sure to rinse it and then pat dry it thoroughly. Make sure to try the various ways in which you can cook okra and decide whether you love it or not! It is grown in various parts of the world including India, Pakistan, Egypt, Ghana, Mexico, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan, and the US.