C. Interstate commerce could be regulated. B. Most of them wanted only to modify the Articles of Confederation.The central goal of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention was to:As a compromise between those who wanted a strong central government and those who wanted to retain strong state governments.According to the Federalists, the advantage of federalism over a confederation was that it:Divides power between the federal and state governments.The delegate to the Constitutional Convention who had the greatest impact on the document was:All of the following are differences between the Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan EXCEPT:e. The Virginia Plan strengthened the national government, whereas the New Jersey Plan weakened the national government.Took from both the Virginia PLan and the New Jersey plan, but took more from the Virginia Plan.Established a legislature with equal representation for each state in the Senate and representation by state population in the House.The way the founders treated slavery in the Constitution indicated that:Slavery was such a divisive issue that they did not dare to mention it directly in the Constitution.Each slave would count as three-fifths of a person for purposes of representation in the House of Representatives.The group that believed in strong national power and supported the new constitution was the:The Federalists believed that human tendencies toward ambition and corruption should be dealt with by:Creating institutions that made use of those characteristics to produce good outcomes and protections against bad outcomes.The Anti-Federalists feared the adoption of the Constitution would lead to:All of the following statements concerning the Federalist Papers are true, EXCEPT they:d. Were intended as a philosophical treatise in support of democracyGroups that are united by some common passion or interest opposed to the rights of other citizens, or opposed to the interests of the community as a whole, are known as:In Federalist No. D. They were published under the pseudonym Caes Citizenship, as Americans understood it, was a very new concept.Which of the following statements best describes the distribution of power during the founding period?The Tea Party movement is important to examine in light of the politics of the American founding because:It highlights the tension between government authority and individual rights of citizens.While reading the text's discussion of prerevolutionary America, you should be aware that the authors' point of view includes and interest in describing and explaining:What four groups competed for control of the North American continent in the early years of exploration and colonization?__________ in the American colonies was introduced by English settlers from Barbados in the late 1600s.Under the __________, the rights and obligations of citizens were determined by each state constitution.After the Revolutionary War, __________ wanted powerful state governments, whereas bankers wanted a powerful federal government.____________ was a grassroots uprising during the confederation period by armed Massachusetts farmers protesting foreclosures.The central goal of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention was to ____________ the power of the national government.The _______________ states favored the Virginia Plan.The ___________ Plan created a multimember executive, whereas the _____________ created a one-person executive.The _______________ established a legislature with equal representation for each state in the Senate and representation by state population in the House.In Federalist No. Believed that representatives should do what is best, regardless of public opinion.The British government imposed taxes that the colonists resented in order to:Pay for the debt created by the French and Indian War.The colonists did not believe in virtual representation because they believed in the concept ofLoyalists continued to support the British government during the Revolution for all of the following reasons, EXCEPT:c. He was certainly a tyrant whose acts justified the revolution.In regard to the treatment of King George III in the Declaration of Independence, the authors of your text point out all of the following EXCEPT:c. He was certainly a tyrant whose acts justified the revolution.The Declaration of Independence was first and foremost a(n):To justify the Revolution to the colonists, Thomas Jefferson included in the Declaration of Independence all of the following EXCEPT:The authors of your text suggest that Thomas Jefferson might have changed John Locke's argument for government for the protection of property to government for protection of "the pursuit of happiness" because Jefferson:Was trying to gain the support of those who had little property to protect.In declaring all men to be equal, the authors of the Declaration of Independence followed Locke in all of the following EXCEPT:c. Locke condemned slavery, whereas the colonists did not.John Locke's political philosophy nicely fit the needs of the colonial leaders because it:Contained both a theory of revolution and a theory of constitutional government.When he argued that "all men are equal," John Locke stated all of the following EXCEPT:The difference between the Native American view of property and the European view of property was that:Native Americans believed in communal property, whereas the Europeans believed in private property.Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress had all of the following powers EXCEPT the power to:Under the Articles of Confederation, the rights and obligations of citizens were:The biggest winners under the Articles of Confederation were:One of the biggest differences between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution was that:Under the Articles the states were sovereign, whereas under the Constitution the people were sovereign.The main difference between farmers and bankers after the Revolutionary War was that:Farmers wanted powerful state governments, whereas bankers wanted a powerful federal government.During the period of time when the United States was governed by the Articles of Confederation, elites came to fear tyranny by the:Frustration of debtors and failure of the Articles of Confederation.What did James Madison mean when he stated that the founders needed to "discover a republican remedy for those diseases most incident to republican government"?Government had to contain the will of the people even though it was based on the will of the people.The delegates to the Constitutional Convention were:The most educated, powerful, and wealthy citizens of the new country.Met in secret to prevent opponents from organizing against their actions.All of the following statements concerning the members of the Constitutional Convention are true EXCEPT:b.