John and Beth aren't siblings, which is why Danny in John's head answers the way he does in the dinner table scene. It's not always clear whether she's really there or imagined, which makes her appearances all the more metaphorical. But what is really great is that she’s going to leave them the money from the place, which always makes the dispersal of your childhood memories go down a bit better.John meets with a detective and calls out that he knows Kevin is under a secret investigation. By Sara Vilkomerson

John was in on the plan all along. Danny says she’s part of the family, but the reasons as to why aren’t clear.

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He drives up to the site where Eric is doing his community service and says that he’s going to do everything he can to make things right between his family and Eric.

Kevin is getting yelled at by Jake.

S1 E12 Recap As a result, they are both each related to the other Rayburn siblings-- but they How are you coming up with John being a the product of a Sally and Roy affair?
So he tells Franco about how he’s responsible for Danny’s death and framing Eric for Marco’s murder.

S2 E1 Recap Netflix's dark family drama Bloodline comes to an end with John (Kyle Chandler) facing the son of his older ... in on the ghost of Danny and, likely, the illusion of Beth drinking wine in the inn's dining room. Bloodline stretches that tactic almost to the breaking point. Everything: her kids, the inn, everything. But Franco stops him because John’s been through a lot of stress (but seriously) and he’s been through enough (probably). Danny is dead, and Sally is getting the worst mom award this year.

5. He’s done with the Rayburns, but he does hope that John will keep Nolan out of it all.At the inn, Sally’s doctor/Roy’s friend is watching with his wife as she uses her charm to soothe guests into their stay at the Rayburn Inn. Because that scene is less about who Beth is than it is about who John is. S2 E10 Recap

And if you think John goes to a bar, and what do you know, Danny appears again.

By Justin Kirkland

Entertainment Weekly is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation All Rights Reserved. By Sara Vilkomerson Belle, being a total idiot made in idiot heaven with Kevin, forgot to turn her GPS off on her phone, so they’re getting brought into the States tomorrow. Well, this time, John is still as complexly and brokenly entrenched in his past as he ever was. According to Although Riseborough won't give away too many details about Evangeline and what her return means for the Rayburns, she told Despite his death in Season 1, TVLine confirms that And, viewers may recall that Danny mailed checks to an undisclosed address repeatedly throughout Season 1. Maybe she’s the love child from Robert’s affair?