This is a wonderful breed that is gentle and sweet. As it collapsed, its own gravitational forces pulled it into a flat, spinning disk. Archived. Teach your Borzoi some commands.

The wing will start to stall well before the aircraft finally stalls and that happens when enough of the airfoil has stalled (ie stopped producing lift) that it can't support the aircraft.Another way to show that the airfoil/aircraft is still flying (producing lift) during a spin is to roll the ailerons in the direction of the spin.

Most people can't aim their snipers without spinning, probably want to do that before doing spin flicks.Well then screw those spinners lol.

Spinning is basically them saying "I believe in my skills so much that I can beat you even though I'm spinning".Trickshots. Borzois are intelligent, yet they can be quite stubborn. Borzois are laid-back family dogs who can even adapt to apartment living, despite their large size. The borzoi—formerly known as the Russian wolfhound—is a graceful, strong, and swift dog. and that basically means the spin is not getting any worse or better (hence the neutral) and it stays in this state until an input from the pilot, be it a rudder deflection in the opposite direction to the yaw which corrects it and straightens the aircraftThe TU154 is not a training aircraft, WD means your average Piper or Cessna (I assume), when you start talking about T tailed & swept wing aircraft you are in a different ball game, T tails are prone to "Deep" stall, which is virtually irrecoverable, the tail is blanketed by the wing wash which destroys the laminar flow making control authority near impossible, and swept winged aircraft are prone to tip stall, where the tips stall first, this moves the wing CP forward rapidly which gives a pitch up moment making the stall far worseIf you don't have it already and you want a greater understanding of the spin, you might want to purchase this:The TU154 is not a training aircraft, WD means your average Piper or Cessna (I assume), Whereas the "normal" tailed planes ensure that if the main wing stalls, the tail is in clear airflow beneath the wing wash... and turns the airplane to normal, unstalled AoA.Transport aircraft have to meet certain criteria under JAR25 & JAR23 in the stall to get certification, one of these is a pitch down moment at the stall, this is caused by the rearward movement of the CP (Centre of Pressure) not by clear airflow over the tail, swept wing aircraft have design features build in to induce root stall before tip stall, the problem lies with the fact that if the stall is left to develop further then the CP will still move forward after it has moved back causing a pitch up moment, the problem with pitch up moments is that longer fuselage aircraft are hard to recover because the bottom of the fuselage is presented to the relative airflow further increasing the pitch up moment, then vast elevator authority is needed to correct this problem, this is also known as deep stall.It was explained with the drag differential. Their loud baying and howls served to alert the hunter, signaling that it was time to send out the “catch dogs” often consisting of a team of 2 or more borzoi. And of course, they will have a tendency to chase anything that moves and that may include squirrels, the neighbor’s cat and even small dogs. Loss of one engine or loss of lift from one wing. Despite this breed’s noble and sophisticated look, Borzoi are hunters at heart.

HOW MUCH DO BORZOIS SHED AND WHAT ARE THEIR GROOMING NEEDS? For instance, unlike the baying hounds, the borzoi was selectively bred to be a quiet hunter, sprinting after the wolves at full speed. The common stall/spin crash on the base to final turn happens when a pilot overshoots final and tries to correct by yawing the airplane back towards the runway while increasing the bank angle. The stalled wing does not have a reversed airflow as you seem to imply. Borzoi, breed of hound dog developed in Russia to pursue wolves. I might start spinning more often now just for the sake of practice and keeping muscles active.your #2 is literally an example of being a dick, contradicts your last statement.

In quantum mechanics, spin is an intrinsic property of all elementary particles.All known fermions, the particles that constitute ordinary matter, have a spin of 1 / 2.

Note that the wings have defined, dissimilar leading and trailing edges. They can get by with the occasional trim. BORZOI DO'S AND DON'TS Some thoughts to ponder before owning a Borzoi (courtesy of The Borzoi Club) DO NOT own or contemplate owning a Borzoi unless you appreciate an animal of great sensitivity, physically and mentally which is normally gentle, quiet and affectionate within the home and yet capable of great athleticism and hunting prowess given the right situation. They are similar in shape to Greyhounds. Borzois are also prone to bloat: Feed them smaller portions instead of one big daily meal. Translatory flight is stable... with horizontal stabilizer, the airframe will correct changes of angle of attack.There is an obvious reason why a helicopter rotor might autorotate.

Once spinning you have momentum and no normal control surface to counter that force to stop spinning.