"@TheMadHatter Because she needed to know. Her love for Draco was very much her saving grace, and the thing that saved Harry from Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, no less.Regardless of Narcissa’s more moral moments, she was a Malfoy through and through.

Anybody can answer Harry was indeed Like Draco, Narcissa held Severus Snape in high esteem and trusted him due to him being an old friend of Lucius's.

It is likely they see Astoria as a blood traitor because of this. In the Deathly Hallows Part 2 film, Narcissa walks over to Harry after his duel with Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, who asked her if Potter was dead. When Voldemort asked her to check if Harry was dead and she realised he was, in fact, still breathing, Narcissa seized her opportunity. What matters isn't whether Draco is dead or alive, Harry could simply get away by saying yes. Born into a pure-blood line, it’s clear that Narcissa was brought up to believe in magic over Muggles.Like her husband Lucius, she clearly believed that Muggle-born wizards were inferior to pure-blood ones, even disowning her sister Andromeda for marrying one.

"I know this isn't exact, but she said Draco's name first and I was wondering why. @JS: So Narcissa asked Harry if Draco was dead and Harry said "Yes"??? @Roberto in that case why ask whether "Draco is Alive ? Start here for a quick overview of the site But she said the word "Draco" under her breath and almost inaudible.

Narcissa knew full well that this ‘honour’ had not been bestowed on Draco as a reward but rather as a punishment for his father’s failure.
In the Deathly Hallows Part 2 film, Narcissa walks over to Harry after his duel with Voldemort in the Forbidden Forest, who asked her if Potter was dead.

Narcissa Malfoy certainly wasn’t good; she fell in with a bad crowd, she was haughty, cold and not afraid to be cruel. She needed to return to the castle to find Draco. Is he in the castle?"

If Draco had been dead, then perhaps she would have told Voldermort the truth and betrayed Harry? She in turn treated the attention starved house elf more kindly than her cousin did. Despite the pleading of her sister to the contrary, Narcissa brushed off Bellatrix scoffing when Narcissa claimed that "the Dark Lord [was] mistaken," and begged Severus to make an Later that month, Narcissa went shopping for school supplies with Draco at Throughout the school year, Draco enacted a series of unsuccessful attempts to kill Dumbledore, which eventually resulted in the Lucius, Narcissa, and her sister Bellatrix talking to Lord Voldemort during the Voldemort was still displeased with the Malfoys for Lucius's earlier failures and delighted in humiliating them by taunting their relation to Narcissa clashed with her sister over who had authority in her home, and therefore over the prisoners held in her cellar: Harry, Ron, Towards the beginning of the battle, Draco lost his mother's wand in the Narcissa checking if Harry is dead on Voldemort's ordersHarry Potter's final defeat of Lord Voldemort and the end of the However, as Narcissa betrayed Voldemort and left him, the entire Malfoy family was granted a reprieve and avoided incarceration in Narcissa Malfoy was described as tall, slim, "nice looking", and very pale, with blue eyes, long blonde hair, and a clear, cold voice.Narcissa's beauty was somewhat marred by her donning an expression that suggested that she was sniffing dung whenever she was in the company of those she considered her inferiors.Narcissa was a very proud woman who frequently displayed a haughty and disdainful attitude, looking down upon others as she believed strongly in the importance of While she treated most people coldly, Narcissa was very loving towards her family as well as devoted to them. When Voldemort "killed" Harry in the Forbidden Forest, she asked him whether Draco was still alive, as she knew that the only way she and Lucius could search for Draco inside Hogwarts would be as part of Voldemort's victorious army.

Indeed, she ultimately held him and his friends responsible for her husband’s capture and incarceration. so what are you complaining about? Lv 4.

Okay, so not exactly an endearing character so far…However, it became very obvious throughout the story that Narcissa’s true allegiance was to her family, especially her son.

She is a mother putting a desperate hope into stranger, the stranger who she believes is the only person that can stand up to Voldy and ensure her son's safety.

I thought about adding that but couldn't make a good turn of phrase. Like most of the Blacks except Sirius, Narcissa was held in high esteem by Kreacher the House Elf. Her loyalty goes to her family and she just followed her husband in his commitment for Voldemort.So, she just doesn't care to tell the truth or not to Voldemort, the only thing she wants to know and to believe is whether her son is alive or not. She knew the only way her family would be reunited was as part of Voldemort's conquering army, thus proving she loved her family more than …
If she had sons, she claimed, she would have been glad to sacrifice them to the Dark Lord’s will.

However, when things took a turn for the worst after his imprisonment, it was Narcissa who took the reins.You might think that the Malfoy family would have been honoured when Voldemort chose their Manor as his headquarters – but neither Narcissa nor Lucius seemed very happy about it, especially when Voldemort demanded Lucius hand over his wand as well. Thanks!Oh, that makes sense now. You can sign in to vote the answer.Still have questions? Anybody can ask a question Thanks for adding.Presumably, when one is surrounded by Death Eaters, it becomes a matter of survival to distinguish the truth from a lie. In the same respect, Narcissa held Harry and his friends in disdain and contempt: especially When Voldemort "killed" Harry in the Forbidden Forest, she asked him whether Draco was still alive, as she knew that the only way she and Lucius could search for Draco inside Hogwarts would be as part of Voldemort's victorious army.

Harry gave her a slight nod.