This species inhabits ponds, creeks, swamps, marshes and other bodies of shallow, slow-moving water. Then, females lay their eggs on land. Their calm and basic needs make them a great house pet that can live for many years when properly cared for.

You'll have to replace this light twice a year as UVB lighting lose their effectiveness over time.You can choose whether or not you want to include substrate to your turtle's tank. You can also add smooth rocks, clean sand and other naturalIf the temperature in the room in which you keep your turtle never falls below 75 degrees Fahrenheit, you don't need more than standard UVB lighting to keep the basking area warm.Yellow-bellied slider turtles thrive in a clean environment. Once they hatch, their diet will be almost entirely carnivorous. This is because it's large and your turtle will not be able to swallow it.The most important decoration is the basking area we've previously mentioned. “In addition, turtles might also get a respiratory illness, shell infections, shell fractures, parasites, and abscesses. When cared for properly, these turtles are very calm and content.

For a small pond, a 10 percent water change each week is enough to keep the water clean. ; Size: Adult males can be in between 5 and 9 inches long.Women are generally more prominent, between 8 and 13 inches long. Watch the way the waste in the water builds up to see if you are changing it often enough. All of ailments mentioned above are treatable if treated early. These turtles spend most of their time in the water, but unlike amphibians, they need to be able to get out of the water to dry off and rest. If you notice any of those, visit your physician specializing in reptile care.Your turtle likes to be raised in the region, not by the legs. Freshly killed minnows, earthworms and insects are a great treat for them.To avoid nutritionally based illnesses, your turtle will need a balanced diet. Turtles need a specific type of habitat that provides them both water and air time.

Giving your baby turtle a vitamin supplement with calcium and vitamin D3 once or twice a week can help them reach their nutritional needs. All of those conditions need veterinary care.”, which is critical because it is often transmitted to humans and can cause serious disease.

Other leafy greens you can offer is romaine lettuce, escarole and collards. If necessary, you can use a water heater to maintain the water's temperature.

If you do, change it 2 to 3 daysFinally, take care of any physical signs of illness, including swollen eyes, discoloring on the shell and avoiding food. China is the largest consumer of turtles in the world and this trade has been cited as the greatest threat to Asian turtles including

The yellow pond turtle (Mauremys mutica), is a medium-sized (to 19.5 cm), semi-aquatic turtle in the family Geoemydidae.This species has a characteristic broad yellow stripe extending behind the eye and down the neck; the carapace ranges in color from grayish brown to brown and the plastron is yellow or orange with black blotches along the outer edges. Turtles don’t have to be compelled to be fed each day as other pets. This is why it's so important to maintain their tank's cleanliness and add a filter to aid with this.As briefly mentioned before, a yellow-bellied slider turtle's dieAs they grow into adults, they will begin to eat more and more plants until their diet consists of 95% plants and only 5% meat. Sun basking aids pond turtles to use their scutes to repair the shell and heal a wound. The few Podocnemis keepers in the United States usually keep their turtles in fenced ponds or secure above-ground pools to prevent escape and to protect their turtles from predators and theft. Closely related to red-eared … We have a variety of captive bred water turtles for sale including painted turtle for sale, rio grande cooter turtle for sale, florida chicken turtles for sale.

A much larger pond, however, may need up to 50 percent of the water changed every one or two weeks. This is something that turtles do everyday in their natural habitat and need to do when in captivity.Once they are suitably warm, the turtle will drop down into the water to cool down and forage. Recovered swimming pools have proven to be excellent enclosures for these large turtles.

Other than that, you can add pond plants for their environmental enrichment and diet. They are sun worshippers, so provide plenty of branches and rock piles for them to climb out and bask.

As far as turtles go, this species is moderately easy to care for. The water should provide a few different depths to allow the turtles to sit under the water and stick their heads out, to submerge themselves and to be able to climb out of the water when they want to.Provide hiding areas in the pond.