Repeat for several days until the chipmunks become accustomed to the chair.Sit in the chair and scatter a handful of seeds. Continue laying out food for several days or until you see that the chipmunks anticipate it.Set up a comfortable chair 10 feet or so from the chipmunk territory and sprinkle a trail of seeds between the two. Add in some bird seed for extra nutrients, and place the mixture in a feeder outside. NEVER try to take a chipmunk from the wild and tame it. It is diurnal, meaning it is most active during the daytime hours. As you find more chipmunk holes, use potting soil or dirt to fill in the hole as best as you can. You will also need to provide your chipmunk with a nest box, measuring about 20 cm by 20 cm (if you have more than one adult, you will need to provide a nesting box for each).For a happy and healthy chipmunk, keep these simple tips in mind.Chipmunks are natural foragers and eat a wide variety of food. To keep your pet chipmunk healthy, the following foods will serve as an appropriate diet.Vary your pet chipmunks diet to ensure you are meeting all of its nutritional needs. Chipmunks also hibernate during the colder months starting in late autumn to early the next spring.The chipmunk as a pet will take time to socialize as it is by nature, a skittish and timid animal. Sandie has pet parented many furry and feathery critters over the years. It feeds primarily on nuts and seeds and lives in underground burrows, which it accesses through several strategically located holes. While naturally cautious, the chipmunk can be coaxed to take food from your hand.Locate a chipmunk hole. In the wild, this rodent emits a bird-like chirp to warn others of approaching danger. Check out these fun facts.If you think a chipmunk is a right pet for you, then be sure to find a reputable breeder. Start with natural squirrel food, like tree nuts, seeds, and flower buds. Currently she has two rescue cats and two, five-year old fantail goldfish. This will scare the chipmunks and make them leave the garden and your plantation. Continue filling in each hole around your yard. Wild chipmunks DO NOT make good pets. Although when we hear the name 'chipmunk' we probably mostly think of the small animal with "racing stripes" down its back, mooching peanuts from us at the local campground or park. Their colors range in the greys, browns, and reddish-browns with This cute rodent has cheek pouches where they stuff their food to transport it back to their dens. Sit in the chair and scatter a handful of seeds. Repeat for several days until the chipmunks become accustomed to the chair. Backyard Nature presents "How To Get A Chipmunk to Eat from your Hand". The chipmunk is loved almost universally for its cuteness, including its bright button eyes and its endearing habit of stuffing its cheeks with food. Chipmunks are relatively new to the pet world, so follow our tips to ensure your new fur baby will be happy and healthy in your home. Use light fabric for creating the figure’s clothes, so that it moves when blown by the wind. You will see the life of a Chipmunk. The ears are small and upright, and they have black eyes and whiskers on their pointed snouts.Each foot has tiny-clawed toes designed to help these rodents dig and climb. The enclosure should have two or three solid sides with a strong mesh front.Since the chipmunk is a burrowing animal, you will need substrate in peat, paper, or sawdust. Make a mixture of tree nuts with shells, such as walnuts, hazelnuts, and acorns to promote gnawing.

Chipmunks existing in your garden can be scared away using head-swiveling owl statue or any fabric garden figure you can do it yourself. Chipmunks are not cuddlers, but may eventually come to enjoy sitting on your lap or riding on your shoulder.Patience, gentle handling, and plenty of time is the key to “taming” your pet chipmunk.Want to know more about the chipmunk species?