Lack of iron, magnesium and nitrogen in sandy soils often causes the normally green leaflets to be yellow; only the frond stems (petioles) are naturally yellow. If you trim frond tips back, the entire frond may cease growing. A palm cannot be diagnosed with Ganoderma butt rot until the basidiocarp (conk) forms on the trunk, or the internal rotting of the trunk is observed after the palm is cut down.

I will share this: I have 115 yr old Victorian Farmhouse. Areca palms do best with bright light like from a south- or west-facing window and may last longer with some direct sunlight. Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool → How to Trim a Palm Tree: 13 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow If you want something shorter, consult some local experts to suggest some shorter growing.Change them now, to some other plant. Some flowers that I have found that can weather the heat-with minimal watering-are salvia, vinca, and portaluca(I love this one, its also called moss rose.) Pruning Areca Palms - Knowledgebase Question. You could STILL use Bermuda shutters on the front windows - for heat protection; privacy; and cooling purposes - I have seen these used all over Las Vegas - especially at restaurants.

the stained glass came in when we lamented the loss of light from those windows into those inner rooms. Areca palm is a short-lived houseplant that can give the illusion of a tropical jungle when grown Healthy areca palm canes should be a golden yellow. She is a certified yoga instructor, group fitness instructor and massage therapist. It makes a fast-growing hedge or screen for tropical landscapes in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 10 and warmer, although a singular specimen makes a graceful focal point.While a healthy, lushly growing areca palm makes an effective visual screen and evokes romantic images of the unexplored jungle, occasional trimming/light pruning helps it look its best in the garden landscape. A mature areca palm clump boasts trunks as tall as 25 feet, with overall plant dimensions 35 feet tall and 25 feet wide, according to "An Encyclopedia of Cultivated Palms." Let us know - we will be waiting for your fabulous re-do!I found the other pictures. Once your Areca Palm is established, fertilize with a nitrogen blend. A clustering palm with slender trunks that are 2 to 3 inches in diameter, the areca palm (Dypsis lutescens) is also commonly called butterfly palm, golden cane palm or bamboo palm. The areca palm tree (Dypsis lutescens), also known as golden cane palm, cane palm, yellow butterfly palm, bamboo palm and Madagascar palm. Therefore, refrain from arbitrary trimming of palms, especially in nutrient-poor or dry soils that delay regrowth of new, healthy replacement leaves.The areca palm grows in height from the top growing point on each trunk, known as the crownshaft. Areca palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens) is used almost exclusively as a privacy hedge because it has very dense weeping fronds. Areca palm is a short-lived houseplant that can give the illusion of a tropical jungle when grown indoors.Also known as butterfly palm, golden cane palm and yellow palm, Dypsis lutescens is native to Madagascar. How can I trim the palm down without damaging the plant? The areca doesn't require much trimming or pruning, but a bit of maintenance will result in a far more attractive palm over the course of the years. The first thing I would do is to trim that bush-is it an oleander-I wouldn't get rid of it, just have someone trim it back to a nice shape and decent size. Abundant regrowth over summer may warrant a secondary trimming in fall to clean up the look of the areca palm and remove any hazardous fronds before growth drastically slows across the cooler winter months. YOU could change your home completely to a more cottage feel by using the first model I suggested - adding shakes over your horizational wood lathe; under all roof peakes? About the Areca Palm Tree. Looks like I have some work to do. For a hedge effect, space areca palms 3 to 6 feet apart. If in doubt, use a saw to minimize damage to the plant. I know the Palms can reach the height of 20 feet or more, however I wish to restrict the height. in natural resources from Michigan State University and an M.Ed. Riffle also comments that removal of healthy green palm fronds reduces the areca palm's ability to produce its own food. ALSO for that FP in the LR - you could have someone build a BOX over it for the base - and cover it with anything you like - bead-board; paneling; stacked stone; I think this would be very simple - it might be more of a modern interpretation - but with arts and crafts - cottage - it is all about the material and color. I think this could be a nice feature.