Because this is such an interesting question, though, I just had to answer it for those who are wondering.Brumation is something that would happen naturally in the wild as the temperatures dropped during the colder months of the year. Sometimes, the Geckos will just flat out refuse to eat for a long period of time and this is fine, just remove and throw out the crickets they do not eat for your own sanity. But, when it comes to reptiles, especially leopard geckos, hibernation might not be a thing that we would expect for them to go through. It’s a lot.My suggestion is to never try it unless you’ve had at least a year of experience with your gecko so that you know their behaviors and also what they do and don’t like to eat so that feeding them during this time can be a little easier instead of just guessing in hopes that they will eventually consume whatever you’re offering them whenever they decide to become picky eaters.Lack of knowledge can cause you to make mistakes that may or may not be reversible and can easily cause you to panic a bit if you’re faced with behavior from your gecko that you just don’t know how to handle simply for the fact that it’s something that you’ve never had to deal with.It doesn’t matter if your leopard gecko is a baby or an adult, you should always take the time necessary to educate yourself on the topic so that you will be fully armed with information and will be able to tackle any issues you may run into with ease once you decide to start brumating.Unfortunately, those of us who can’t control whether or not out leopard geckos brumate have to learn the hard way. Temperatures are normal, she was eating normal, and I have no sand in the tank However, if for any reason you’d like to hibernate your Leopard Geckos, then it’s actually a very simple process. Some owners have reported that they never had any problems with keeping their Leopard Geckos in 60 degrees during hibernation but it’s best to be safe and stick with 70.During the hibernation cycle and period, your Leopard Geckos will obviously be far less active and you won’t see them around as much. No, a leopard gecko can live with other leopard geckos, if both are female. While a lot of new owners have asked about this question in various online communities, you can rest at ease that it’s safe to continue operations as normal during the winter months.A lot of people commonly worry that it’s not going to be safe to put heat on their Leopard Geckos during the winter season, but it’s perfectly safe and it’s fine. In that case, I would educate yourself before buying your leopard gecko so when that inevitable time comes, you’ll be prepared for when it happens and for many years after that as well.Firstly, if you don’t know about the importance of the supplement D3, then I highly suggest taking a look atto know exactly what role it plays in your leopard geckos diet and how critical it is for them to get it during each feed.But, with that said, in these cases where you might find your leopard gecko eating very little or just won’t accept too much of the foods that you’re offering them despite switching up their diet, then I recommend a UVB light for the time being until they are completely done brumating.Leopard geckos over a year old don’t eat as much as geckos who are under this age, but they do still need D3 in their system in order to absorb calcium.
Whichever way you decide to supplement your gecko with D3 from that point on will be totally up to you.For example, your leopard gecko not pooping is one of the signs that they can display while in brumation, but it’s also a sign that they display when impacted as well. I say that because it can be very hard to try and get your leopard gecko to eat during brumation, and therefore, be a little tempting to put D3 in their calcium dish out of disparity. This will not only make sure they’re getting what they need but will also take a ton of stress off of you as well.If you’d like to know what bulb I always recommend for a source of UVB, thenIf you’re not having trouble with them eating, then just keep dusting all of their feeders with a calcium, D3, and a multi-vitamin supplement like they have with the brand Repashy, for example.

Perhaps you plan on breeding the geckos or maybe you’d just like to be lazy through the winter months and you don’t want to do any kind of upkeep, everyone has their own distinct reasons as to why they want their geckos to hibernate. Ever since I was a child, I’ve always had this deep passion and interest for reptiles that eventually led me to become the proud owner of multiple snakes, lizards, frogs, and turtles. is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies.When we think about hibernation, we tend to think about animals like bears, bats, groundhogs, and maybe even certain species of insects. But, because it can be hard to get them to eat as much as you’d like them to, it can be hard to provide them with it because most people who supplement their leopard gecko with D3 use powder that actually goes on the insects that they’re feeding them.To avoid having your leopard gecko be insufficient in this very important supplement, I highly suggest getting a UVB light so that instead of absorbing it through their food, they’ll be absorbing it through their skin instead. Yesterday I started warming her by putting the heat pad to warm one side of her cage, but not exactly the hide, just to feel a little warmth. Reacting To & Fixing Your Leopard Gecko & Crested Gecko Tanks #6 - Duration: 11:15. You’ll notice that they’re eating much less and that they’re drinking much less as well.
Wax worms along with the other worms listed should be fed to your leopard gecko only when they don’t want to eat their healthier foods such as crickets and mealworms because of how addictive and unhealthy they can be for them if fed regularly.Lastly, pay close attention to their behavior and weigh them once every week to two weeks to make sure they’re not dropping too much weight while they brumate. But if not, that’s fine, too.