When it comes to stirring up a little excitement in class, Otis Spofford knows just what to do. When it comes to stirring up a little excitement in class, Otis Spofford knows just what to do. Near the end of the book he finally "gets his comeuppance," as Mrs. Gitler has long predicted. The story revolves around the antics of the title character, a precocious fourth-grader with a knack for getting into trouble.

Otis by Loren Long. Ellen was secretly feeding the rat as well. The two girls later accost a dejected Otis on the steps of his apartment and offer him his shoes in exchange for an apology to Ellen, and a promise that he will stop pestering her. Best of all, Otis likes teasing neat, well-behaved Ellen Tebbits—until the day his teasing goes too far. .

Otis opens his mouth and is stunned when Ellen steps forward. The book is also about how Otis torments his classmate, Ellen Tebbits. Grandma Annii 64,900 views.

And so, the Klickitat Street gang was born!Mrs. He does not have any brothers or sisters and he lives with his mother. . Otis Spofford, playing cowboys and Indians (one of several anachronisms in 'Otis Spofford,' such as kids using the word 'keen') 'scalps' a classmate obsessed with growing her hair longer by cutting off a hunk of that hair. or an arithmetic lesson into a spitball marathon. she’s planning something!Beverly Cleary is one of America’s most beloved authors. The novel study contains many different types of questions for students to think about and answer before, during, and after they finish each chapter. Nothing yet! He can turn a folk dance fiesta into a three-ring circus . The novel study is designed to be enjoyable and keep the students engaged. The Journal is designed to be enjoyable and keep the students engaged. The questions are based on reading comprehension, strategies and skills. The questions are based on reading comprehension, strategies and skills. . His trademarks are his glow-in-the-dark shoelaces (one pink, one green), the Otis Spofford is a young boy with a propensity for causing trouble.

Otis Spofford is an only and fatherless child who lives with his distracted working mother in a small apartment. Before long, her school librarian was saying that she should write children’s books when she grew up.Instead she became a librarian. or an arithmetic lesson into a spitball marathon.

Subsequently, it is Ellen who is allowed to take the rat home at experiment's end, much to Otis's displeasure (although she gives it to him when her mother will not allow her to keep it). As a child, she struggled with reading and writing. The story revolves around the antics of the title character, a precocious fourth-grader with a knack for getting into trouble. Grandma Annii's Storytime - Duration: 8:48.

Thus, Ellen is often the victim of Otis's bad behavior.

Your support helps us continue to discover and share incredible kids books! You should let Tracy know that you want more details about Otis Spofford! Otis eventually feels bad about what he did to Ellen when she bursts into tears and flees the classroom. . His teacher, Mrs. Gitler, becomes wise to this and tries to get the culprit to confess. Ellen and her best friend Austine manage an act of retribution by stealing Otis's shoes while he is skating at the pond, forcing him to walk home in his ice skates. Otis concedes, but only after the girls are leaving reveals he had two fingers crossed behind his back the entire time; clearly, he means to pester Ellen for a long time to come. She based her funny stories on her own neighborhood experiences and the sort of children she knew. 8:48. Otis Spofford book. Otis' pranks are typically innocuous, such as firing spitballs in class. Best of all, Otis likes teasing neat, well-behaved Ellen Tebbits—until the day his teasing goes too far. . By using our site you consent to our use of cookies.

Read Online Otis Spofford and Download Otis Spofford book full in PDF formats. « previous question next question » . Otis feeds the underfed rat himself, hoping that it will get soda pop served in the cafeteria. Great for use in guided reading groups, book clubs, or for independent assignments. Otis Spofford is a 1953 children's novel by Beverly Cleary. Tracy Dockray has illustrated many picture books such as The Tushy Book, Izzy & Oscar, and the prize-winning Lost and Found Pony, as well as an edition of Beverly Cleary’s Ramona series, Stay, Ralph the Mouse series, and Henry Huggins series.