The cotyledon essentially allows a plant’s embryo to begin creating new life following germination. They are enclosed in the fruit which develops from the fertilized ovary.

of Chemical and Biological Sciences IIT Center - Chicago IL 60616 (312)567-3488 Objectives: Seeds of flowering plants have two main parts, the "cotyledon(s)" (one or two, depending on the seed type) and the "embryo" (a tiny "baby" plant in a state of suspended animation). Each part has a set of jobs to do to keep the plant healthy. Set enough beans aside for each student to have a dry bean to use  for comparison.Students use a hand lens to observe and compare the wet bean to the dry bean then describe the differences.

The seed diagram I use is included You can germinate any type of seed or bean but observing the stages of germination is easiest to see using large lima beans. Next, students compare and measure the sizes of the two beans.Using their thumbnails, students then carefully split the soaked bean open to reveal the inside and parts of the seed.Using a hand lens or magnifying glass (large magnifying glasses are available at the dollar store), have locate and identify the seed coat, plant embryo, and cotyledon. When cotyledons become new green leaves, the cotyledons raise over ground level. Cotyledons transmit the food stored in the embryo to new sprouting plants. Plants such as beans and peas -- which are dicotyldons -- have thick cotyledons that drew nutrients from the seeds prior to sprouting. We  want students to be familiar with the vocabulary to use and what seed parts they will be looking for when they dissect their seeds.Soak the lima beans in a bowl of water for 15-20 minutes to soften them. Because the seeds can sometimes get moldy, we do two things. Nuts are seeds; peas and beans are seeds; and, of course, grains are seeds as well. With the help of the cotyledon, plants can spread their seeds and boost their species’ population at a rapid rate. Place dry beans between two damp paper towels inside a sandwich baggie or jar. Various other parts of a seed exist, including the endosperm -- the food supply that is contained in the seed and sometimes specifically in the cotyledon. Now check your email to confirm your subscription.There was an error submitting your subscription.

Soak enough for each student to have 2-3 beans in case some break or won’t open easily. YaShekia King, of Indianapolis, began writing professionally in 2003.

She also is a licensed Realtor and clinical certified dental assistant. Challenge them to find the hilum, or the tiny scar where the seed was attached to the parent plant. The cotyledon encourages leaf growth in a plant’s early stages of life. The seed in a plant is the part that develops from the ovules after fertilization.

To keep the seeds damp, a spray bottle works best to mist the paper towels when they start to dry out.Use a seed observation journal for students to record the changes and explain what they observe.

For example, flowering plants that have one cotyledon -- or one seed leaf -- are called monocotyledonous, or monocots, and are placed in the Class Liliopsida. Examples of these plants include: Meanwhile, plants that have two cotyledons are dicotyldons, or dicots, and placed in the Class Magnoliopsida. As photosynthetic producers, cotyledons essentially can synthesize the organic nutrients it requires for growth through photosynthesis. But have you ever wondered what the inside of a seed looks like?

Meanwhile, grass -- an example of a monocotyledonous -- has a single thin cotyledon that absorbs nutrients from the seeds as they are sprouting.

This way students can easily remove their bag and take it to their desk to observe any changes. The cereal embryos are highly specialized in their structure. Dicots include: The cotyledons in some cases are major photosynthetic producers during germination. In another process that involves plants such as peas, however, cotyledons remain underground and solely serve the function of a food source.

These leaves are important because they serve as the chief way for plants to get the nutrients they need to continue growing and thriving.

Its fruit-wall and seed-coat are fused into a single layer. Various other parts of a seed exist, including the endosperm -- the food supply that is contained in the seed …

The roots absorb water and minerals from the soil and anchor the plant in the ground.

The stem supports the plant above ground, and carries the water and minerals to the leaves. Structure and Function of Maize and Bean Maize The External Structure . It becomes the embryonic first leaves of a seedling when germination occurs. They contain everything necessary for the growth and development of a new plant. The grain is monocotyledonous and endospermic. Her work has appeared in several publications including the "South Bend Tribune" and "Clouds Across the Stars," an international book.