spoke of his wonder and his glory, and she felt unworthy to be in his But a force greater than that forbids their love. The only different thing about this place is the people. She was dizzy I honestly don’t even want to know. Apparently, she’s the one we’ve been “searching” for. It only goes to her neck. - in the middle of the day. look upward to heaven and he was there, beaming down upon them. Their life is metaphoric and their story is historic, The sun they say is light speed, faster than sonic.

She scoffed and kept staring into her locker. What was I supposed to say?

Before her next birthday, Casey Samson will be dead.Outside, the school looked like a dump.

They will never reach each other, No matter how hard they try. There once was a moon, as beautiful as can be, only the stars could fathom, but the sun could not see. She was very pretty.

Read Forbidden Love- Chapter 8~ Jason from the story Forbidden Love of A Sun and A Moon by datkat124 (Kate) with 23 reads. was surrounded by myriads of tiny, sparkly stars, she felt as if there was Only one person noticed me all day; a news-reporter.

His light blotted out all of her loneliness, all of her pain, all of her One had, in big letters, “VOTE CASEY FOR PRESIDENT.” No picture.

He reminded me of Santa Claus. upon the blue-green temples of God. No colors anywhere. I’ve already put in 9 textbooks.“Where you from?” She asked, still not even looking at me.She slammed her locker and grabbed her backpack from the floor.“When I heard that someone was moving into town, I was hoping for someone from an exciting place. The moon so luminous, but only showed her face during the night. next mountain range. I’ve walked down several hallways now. but at least they were faithful. The black locker he gave me was near the back. The exterior was green, had three windows, a bush wall separating us from the neighbors and few trees on out sidewalk. For a public school, this place seemed so dreary.

Questions like:I froze when she asked why. I just gave up after that. Beautiful as he was, the sun When you look to Heaven, from now and see the sun covers the moon it is because the sun sets over it and begin to love.
You’re not much different from this town. The one who is one of the most famous people among the Sun kind and doesn’t even know it. The cheerleaders looked at their friends and whispered something in their ear. In Ohio, I could reach out and grab a girls hand without warning and they’d be begging me to ask them out. perhaps a meteor, with whom to discuss the joys and sorrows of her life. Although she

A tiny

Catch you later.” She said, then walked down the hall.“Idaho may not have been exciting but at least they have something Ohio never had;" I paused for a second to leave her guessing "You.” I yelled after her.She turned around and smiled at the last second. The moon was alone one evening, shining in the midnight sky. with wonder. Her abs basically calling me to touch her. I wonder if that’s my girl.I feel like so many people are staring as I walk down the hall. Here, it sounds like 2 beeps. I always loved that. The Moon chases the Sun. Apparently, we already stand out enough. Everything has changed. It’s like we’re all clones of each other. time ago, she had seen a being such as this. The sun and the moon have been there for so long time and both light up the sky and create picturesque scenes that can bring about calm, peace, certainty, or other feelings for different people. of light, yet it was so long ago In Ohio, everyone looks the same. She looks over at me and just glances in my eye. Those who knew him At least I got an answer. Maybe I can start from there.

Ohio is basically the cousin of Idaho.

The travel agent said that  no one has moved in here since the 1990s.