They may also enjoy insects (crickets, mealworms and wax worms). The Mynah birds can eat insects such as mealworms, crickets, and wax-worms. How to Care for Baby Mynah Birds. “Some people use spoons, others use coffee stirrers, but I still prefer to feed baby birds with syringes. Green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, mustard sprouts, millet sprouts and fenugreek (methi) leaves are also very essential. Follow the general guidelines discussed above and use your Your veterinarian can help you assess your bird's diet and its particular needs. Mix these products in water or preferably apply directly onto moist food. Indian mynas are big on invertebrates. Since pellets are dry, the dropping of bird tends to be less messy. Baby birds have very demanding dietary needs. Placing these powders on seeds or dried foods is of little value since it will ultimately end up on the bottom of the food dish and not in the bird.Controversy exists over the need for gravel. Specific vitamins or minerals may be more important at various times during a bird's life (e.g., egg laying requires calcium supplementation). You can give your bird bananas, diced apple, dates, oranges, pineapple, pears, plums and watermelon.Diced vegetables are good for Mynah’s, and these can be added to their diet. Place a shoebox with airholes in it on top of a heating pad. One opinion suggests that a bird eating 75 - 80% of its diet in the form of pelleted food may not need supplements. Too often owners assume they are feeding a proper diet to their mynah bird when in fact they are not! Some birds will in fact have problems if grit is over eaten. Place the box and heating pad in a dark, quiet room. Free shipping on prescription refills, pet food and more! You can also make an alternative nutritious recipe by mashing up equal amounts of cooked brown rice, oatmeal formulated for … It is NOT uncommon to have blue droppings 15-20 minutes after eating blueberries!Nutrition is commonly neglected with pet birds. They have a short digestive tract; therefore, these birds eat a lot and likely have frequent and often loose droppings. Pellets should NOT be the sole diet for a mynah bird. But, keep in mind that pellets should not be the only diet for a mynah bird. We're here for you and your pet in 43 states. However, we now know that birds do fine without grit. Her current passions include blogging, writing and collecting dog pictures of various breeds. The general diet for these territorial birds is made up of bugs, bug larvae, snails, grains, seeds, worms and fruits.

This means your mynah bird will eat a LOT and likely have frequent and often very loose droppings. These birds can easily develop iron storage disease; therefore, low iron foods are the best.Fresh fruits are a large part of the Mynah’s diet. It is important to continually strive to improve your bird's diet. Some pellets have excessively high iron values that may contribute to hemochromatosis or iron storage disease in mynah birds. Occasionally, they can also be given day old-mice. Mynah birds also enjoy some fresh fruits (figs, oranges, papayas, apples, plums, grapes). You can check with your vet for the newest iron content recommendations.The Mynah birds can eat insects such as mealworms, crickets, and wax-worms.

You should discuss your mynah bird's nutrition with your veterinarian. Hot water reacts with the starches in it to form gum, which the baby birds will not eat. Pale vegetables, with a high water composition (i.e. Different species of birds often require different foods. Check with your veterinarian for the latest iron content recommendations.Various diced vegetables may be offered but this should NOT a large part of a mynah birds diet. 3 They do not eat seeds. Occasionally, they can also be given day old-mice.A Mynah bird eating 75 – 80% of its diet in the form of pelleted food may not need vitamin, minerals or amino acids supplements. If your bird is tested for the vitamin deficiencies, ask your veterinarian to suggest the best supplement for your bird.You should give fresh and clean water to your bird. This is due both to heightened awareness of the importance of nutrition and to increased research into birds different needs. She is an active member of stray dog care society. Furthermore, all the dishes must be cleaned thoroughly on daily basis with soap and water.Swati takes pride of being a dog lover.

If you feel the bird is in danger of imminent starvation or dehydration, use canned dog food, canned cat food or baby food until you can get to the pet store. I find these most convenient. Insects should not be more than 5% of your bird’s diet unless you are breeding birds. Calcium supplements are available if your mynah bird is determined to be deficient.If a supplement is recommended by your veterinarian, powdered supplements, such as Nekton-S® (by Nekton-Produkte), Quiko® or Prime® (by Hagen), are often regarded as more stable. Their favorite insects include flies, grasshoppers, locusts, caterpillars and beetles. Dishes must be cleaned thoroughly every day with soap and water.As a rule, any wholesome, nutritious food that you and your family eat your bird can eat. iceberg or head lettuce, celery), offer very little nutritional value. No human other than a licensed bird rehabber has the proper equipment, food supplements, or endurance to keep up that frantic feeding schedule. It is common sense that junk food, chocolate, products containing caffeine and alcoholic beverages be avoided. Pellets are the ideal diet, nutritious, easy to feed and since pellets are dry, the bird's droppings tend to be less messy. Mynah birds may occasionally enjoy pinky mice or insects such as mealworms, wax worms, crickets and other insects (soft-bodied insects are more nutritious). The Mynah birds are an omnivorous, softbill bird that loves to eat fruit as well as dine on reptiles, insects, baby birds, small rodents and discarded waste from human habitation. Indian mynas are classic omnivores -- they're as far as can be from choosy diners.