What kind of math would creatures with 16 fingers invent? Think about the marine traffic it would have caused. Since the beginning of time, humans have looked up with wonder at the stars, moon, sun, and vastness of the heavens. 4 Reasons Why We Don't Explore Space--and Why They Aren't Reasons At All (Part 1 of 4) Science. […] Top 5 reasons space exploration is important for the world […][…] Top 5 reasons space exploration is important for the world […][…] Daniel.”Top-5 Reasons why Space Exploration Is Important for the World”.

American tax money goes to more “worthwhile” things like killing people in illegal wars…nothings impossible exp the sun…millions of miles wide been buringing for billions of years people that claim space exploration is a waste are a waste. Space exploration in the 20Why explore space? Meeting challenges is seen as a way of channelling potentially destructive individual or social energies into positive goals. Teacher participants will: through web resources investigate the many needs of humans to explore. Does anyone who thinks it’s worthless use cell-phones? Robotic and scientific robotic missions have shown that Mars has characteristics and a history similar to Earth's, but we know that there are striking differences that we have yet to begin to understand. By visiting these near Earth objects to study the material that came from the solar nebula, we can look for answers to some of humankind's most compelling questions, such as: how did the solar system form and where did the Earth's water and other organic materials such as carbon come from?Mars has always been a source of inspiration for explorers and scientists. Man will never be able to move at the speed of light to cover those vast distances and therefore knowing that a star is so much light years away is like stories we hear as a child from grandmas. Same way aviation may later turn to mode of transport, you never know!! (I’m all for recycling, by the way . In this view, space exploration can be seen as the continuation of millennia of human exploration.An alternate view is that the desire to explore is not genetic, but a social activity that arises and diminishes in different cultures at different times, depending upon the availability of suitable motivations, resources (or lack of resources), opportunities, and so on. . Even our best engine technology could not get us to Gliese 581 with 100 years of space travel. . There are ample problems with which to contend here on Earth, and that leads some people to wonder if space exploration is worth the hassle.

Space Answers on Twitter. Presumably, you will ask now why we must develop first a life support system for our moon-travelling astronauts, before we can build a remote-reading sensor system for heart patients.

As safe, clean fusion electric is developed, the equivalent of a shuttle-load could provide all the U.S. power needs for more than a year . So no.

Courtesy of Celestron, we’re offering you the chance to add these binoculars to your astronomical arsenal.

Also the exploration of planets and other celestial bodies can give important scientific results as understanding the origin of life or of the Solar system. If scientists can’t do any better than fantasize about space, then maybe we don;t suffer from the lack of scientists, but from having too many already.

Author's Note: 10 Reasons Why Space Exploration Matters to You I was a child in the 1960s, a time when many of us believed that someday we would be flying off into the cosmos in search of adventure.

I simply can’t believe that. Former NASA Administrator Mike Griffin described two types of answers: “ acceptable reasons ” and “ real reasons ”.

In 1903, he published Manifest Destiny was a widely held belief in the 19Frederick Merk (August 15, 1887 – September 24, 1977), an American historian, says this concept of Manifest Destiny was born out of “

Sadly, you are not interested in basic research. Mars, in its early years, is thought to have had lakes of liquid water, but that water is gone now. Only a select few. However, we’re all crammed together on this one planet.

Spending money on space programs is far more useful than wasting money on unemployment benefits. So what drives us to explore the cosmos?Are we genetically programmed for exploration, or is it the product of social/cultural factors?

The International Space Station serves as a national laboratory for human health, biological, and materials research, as a technology test-bed, and as a stepping stone for going further into the solar system.