We also examine how people can get intestinal worms and what the treatment involves.Each species of intestinal worm may cause different symptoms, and the symptoms may also vary from person to person.However, some common signs and symptoms of intestinal worms include:In some cases, the person may start passing segments of the intestinal worm in their stool.In rarer cases, the intestinal worm may lead to severe blockages in the intestine, making it difficult for the person to have a bowel movement.There are many different types of intestinal worm that can affect people.
These may include:Before commencing a person’s medical treatment, the doctor has to identify the specific type of intestinal worm. General symptoms may appear few weeks or several months after infestation and include Worm eggs, shed in the stool of humans or animals infected with adult worms, can contaminate soil or water. Intestinal worms, or parasitic worms, are simple organisms that feed off the human body. Someone who has the worms can pass them onto someone else through direct contact or by sharing a contaminated object with them.Pinworms commonly cause itching around the anus, which can be severe enough to make sleeping difficult. The A hookworm is a worm that usually enters a person’s body through unsanitary soil. The result are small intestinal or colonic inflammation and ulcers, anemia, and protein, iron and vitamin (mainly A, C, B12) deficiency. You get it from skin-to … This drug paralyzes the worm, forcing it to detach from the intestinal wall. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. In most cases, a thorough course of treatment can help clear up the issue.However, anyone who suspects that their symptoms come from an intestinal worm should see a doctor as soon as possible for a diagnosis and treatment.

In addition to common gastrointestinal symptoms, some people may experience:Heavy infections may cause breathing or heart problems or make it difficult for the person to move. Flukes may be more common in animals, although it is possible for humans to contract these parasitic worms as well.Flukes are small and have a rounded leaf shape. Below, we look at some of them in more detail.A tapeworm is a type of flatworm that lives in the intestine, where it attaches itself to the intestinal wall.
Scabies. Washing the hands before cooking or handling food is also crucial.Many intestinal worms enter the body through the food that a person eats. They can … These people include those with a weakened immune system, such as older people and people living with Pregnancy does not increase the risk of getting intestinal worms, but intestinal worms may pose a more significant health risk for people who are pregnant. Diagnosis is confirmed by The following should prevent you from attracting intestinal parasites:Please note that any information or feedback on this website is not intended to replace a consultation with a health care professional and will not constitute a medical diagnosis. Many people recognize the more common varieties, such as tapeworms and hookworms, but may be less aware of the others.Intestinal worms can cause many symptoms in the body, some of which are similar to the symptoms of other gut disorders. It then helps dissolve the worm so it can pass through the digestive system and leave the body during a bowel movement.In the case of hookworms, doctors prescribe anthelmintic drugs, such as mebendazole or albendazole.Triclabendazole may help treat flukes, while pinworm infections often respond well to both over-the-counter and prescription drugs.Intestinal worms may increase the risk of certain health issues in the body. Intestinal worms, also known as parasitic worms, are one of the main types of intestinal parasites. Symptoms appear during the night as this is when the female pinworms crawl out of the anus to lay their eggs on the surrounding skin.Other symptoms are usually mild, and many people do not experience any.Ascariasis is similar to a hookworm, although it is only a few inches long.

These tests may include:A tape test involves placing a piece of tape over the anus as the person sleeps to check for signs of eggs.Anyone who suspects that they have an intestinal worm should see a doctor.Although intestinal worms sound a bit frightening, treatment is often straightforward.