By: ... Water the rooted stem when the top 1 to 2 inches of soil becomes dry. Planted directly in the ground, ficus pumila grows and climbs up to 20 feet tall. It is best to wait until spring to do this.Water the creeping fig well the day before you plan to take the cutting.Prepare a mixture of one part peat and one part sand in the pot.Choose a branch from the vine to cut off. The creeping fig needs a specific kind of wasp to germinate its seeds and reproduce, but you can propagate the creeping fig with stem cuttings. And it's highly unlikely your indoor plant will ever bloom or yield fruit. It has been known to lift up roof tiles.Darin McGilvra is a writer in Southern California. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! They will eventually need a nutritive medium of some sort, but cuttings that root in water can stay in their aquatic environment while they develop a full root system. The creeping fig needs a specific kind of wasp to germinate its seeds and reproduce, but you can propagate the creeping fig with stem cuttings. The key to healthy growth is to provide as much warm, humid air as possible, plenty of even moisture, and bright light but not direct sunlight. Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool → From there on out, water the ficus pumila when the top inch of soil is dry to the touch. If you want to keep your Ficus pu… The creeping fig is a climbing evergreen plant that's a common ground and wall covering in warmer parts of the country and a houseplant in cooler areas. When the rootlets are 2 inches long, the cutting is ready to be planted in soil.Fill a small flower pot with potting mix. He has been a writer since 1997. All Rights Reserved. Ficus Pumila is a type of vine plant that is also known as the creeping fig. Ficus pumila is a member of the genus "Ficus." He worked as a sports writer and copy editor for newspapers for more than 12 years before becoming a freelance writer. It can grow very quickly, and it attaches itself to rocks, walls or houses, which is where it got its name. The use of rooting hormone is not necessary, because ficus pumila roots so well. There are over 1,000 members of this botanical genus, including Ficus elastica (rubber tree) and Ficus bejamina (weeping fig). If you girdle the branch a month prior to taking the cutting, it allows the auxins to build up and you don't even need any rooting hormone. Remove any leaves that are touching the soil.Water the plant enough to make the soil damp, and place the pot in a plastic bag. Click here for suitable plants and tips on the process. Close the plastic bag and make sure it doesn't touch the plant.Check the cutting every couple days to make sure the soil remains damp; water, if necessary.After a couple of weeks, use your hand to check for new roots. Find a branch that is healthy, with leaves growing on it.Trim a 6- to 8- inch piece off the healthy branch, using gardening shears. Ficus pumila is a member of the genus "Ficus." Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. Ficus Pumila is a type of vine plant that is also known as the creeping fig. How to Propagate Creeping Fig Ground Cover. Ficus pumila is also known as the "creeping fig" plant, because of the aerial rootlets along its … Just dip the bottom inch of the cutting in the hormone before planting.Be prepared for the creeping fig to grow quickly and climb up any walls that are near it. Ficus pumila is also known as the "creeping fig" plant, because of the aerial rootlets along its stem that anchor themselves to trellises, arbors or walls. Prepare one pot for each creeping fig plant you wish to start.

Saturate the potting soil with water, and let the excess water drain out of the pot.Make a hole in the center of the potting mix with your finger. actually creeping fig if taken from a rather dry environment can be tricky to root, but I have found that a surefire way is to take a ziplock lay down some papertowl in the siplock moisten the papertowels and lay the cuttings on top of the moist towels and blow into the bag to inflate it a bit seal and let sit for a week or more or until you see roots then just transplant.