Though the amaranth plant is typically grown as a decorative flower in North America and Europe, it is, in fact, an excellent food crop that is grown in many parts of the world. There are four main species which are cultivated as vegetables; A. cruentus, A. blitum, A. dubius, and A. tricolor.

The pointed, 3 to 6 inch-long leaves are produced on weak vining stems.

This is the bump or gall you may see on plant roots. Regardless of your cultivar, amaranth leaves can be harvested at any point. To harvest grains, let amaranth go all the way to flower. In North and Central Florida these plants perform best when grown in the fall.

As far as growing amaranth goes—that’s about all you need to know! Always remember: Amaranth (COmmon name ‘Pigweed’ is a concentrate-or of nitrates, plants from nitrate-fertilized area should only be eaten in moderatio. If you aren't familiar with globe amaranth flowers, there are several reasons to get to know this low-care landscape plant. Keep an eye on them as the flowers bloom and then begin to die back. Leaves can be ready a month after planting, while flowers take about 2 months and seeds up to 3 or more months. Not a tropical green (like chaya), so you don’t need to boil it. Regardless of your cultivar, amaranth leaves can be harvested at any point.

If you find that globe amaranth grows well in your garden, then consider planting other Two plants will generally produce sufficient quantities of leaves to provide a small family with spinach during summer and fall.Not only are these plants able to provide you with tasty greens, the vines can be quite ornamental. Varieties can range from giants topping eight feet to smaller one- to two-foot plants better for their leaf harvest alone.

Be sure to till your garden in the fall to prevent these.

How to Grow Spinach in Your Home Vegetable Garden Plant short 10-inch sections of the stem 2 to 4 inches deep in the soil. Inside this structure is the true flower, which is insignificant — a tiny yellow bloom that is barely visible. The closer you can get them, the better they look once full grown. They're 1 to 4 inches in diameter and are generally 8 to 15 inches long. It usually grows in moist places, near dunes, swamps, marshes, or in disturbed habitats.

Just stick cuttings directly into the soil in your garden. The leaves are tender, can be eaten raw, and are like a slightly nutty spinach. Amaranthus edulisis a grain amaranth reported to be exceptionally high in lysine - a critical amino aci… The plant spreads quickly but isn't overly aggressive. It’s very fine and small, so you don’t want to try to get a whole crop of grain off of smaller plants. You’ll want to cultivate larger plants specifically grown for their seeds if you want the amaranth grain.

Trim leaves off to harvest, and leave the crown and some leaves around the top to continue growing. It's easier to peel the bark off with a knife than a traditional vegetable peeler. Amaranth will grow tall, 1-2 feet. Give them a good shake after they’ve dried.When harvesting flowers, cut the flowers before they go to seed and get them in water quickly.After harvesting, dry the seeds for a day or two and then store in a dark, dry place in an airtight container. If birds are a pest, you can cover your amaranth with bird netting.

You can also spray plants with neem oil.Aphids are tiny, (usually) wingless pests that feed on plant juices. Spray them off with a strong blast of water, or spritz plants with a concoction made out of water, dish soap and cayenne pepper.

In South America, the leaves are often served with meat or fish.In Mexico, they mix popped amaranth with honey for a granola bar-like a snack. Plant seeds or transplants in the garden 6 to 18-inches apart with 18 inches between rows. Flowers should be cut off to help the plant focus energy on leaf production. Many amaranth species grow vigorously in Florida gardens. Amaranth leaves and stems are commonly eaten after cooking in a manner similar to spinach. Before they all brown, cut them off and bag them.

Leaves and tender shoots have a Bicolor Okinawa spinach. Older leaves are best cooked like spinach or chard because they can get bitter.We all have plants we like to grow for “fun.” Amaranth is one of those fun plants for me. The flavorful leaves can be added to fresh salads, steamed, juiced, used in stir fries, soups, smoothies, and quiches. I discovered amaranth growing in my vegetable garden. You can also pop the seeds like popcorn or ground them up as a wheat flour alternative.Amaranth seeds can be boiled like oatmeal to make a tasty porridge. Plants should be spaced 4 feet apart in rows that are spaced at intervals of 4 feet. Both adults and nymphs suck the fluids out of plants.Their mouths contain a toxin which leaves behind tiny brown spots on the leaves. Harvesting increases production, so the more you take the more you'll produce.

Leaves are edible too and resemble the taste of spinach.

Mother Earth News in an article several years ago stated that amaranth could feed the world because it can be grown in arid and other extreme environs such as Etheopia where … Propagation can be done a number of ways; you can plant the top of the tuber (head), the whole main tuber, pieces of the main tuber, or individual secondary tubers.