I cannot thank you enough for your help.

In order to withdraw when it is faced with a threat, the turtle is known to fold its head below the upper edge of its shell especially after its head has been coiled to the side.

Such particle can be a recipe for bacterial growth in the tank which can pose serious health threat to the turtle.Join 4,628 other Aquascapers and receive helpful aquarium tips and free stuff direct to your inbox. AFRICAN SIDENECK TURTLES; Pelomedusa and Pelusios, otherwise known as African Side neck turtles have been quite popular in pet stores for some time.

Plus in the tank it acts like it sees another turtle or Help??? Study and provide habitat for wild herps.I have a female box turtle and she's laid two eggs now but she destroyed the first one.

Study and provide habitat for wild herps.Have owned turtles, snakes, amphibians, and lizards. Lights are not just for warmth. I liked that I could ask additional questions and get answered in a very short turn around. neither one of mine has the really lonMy African Side-Necked turtle has gone from a slow docile and gentle turtle to a restless, borderline frantic maniac. However, creating a healthy pond environment and protecting your turtle from predators, cold … When I returned thmy red ear slider wont eat, or get in the water, and is trying very hard to get out of the tank, i thought the living area was to small but even after getting a larger tank actions remain the same, tumy slider is seven years old.

He is almy turtle has been really active the past few days clawing at her enclosure tying to get out and moving all of her stuff around what does this mean?I have an african sideneck turtle who has lived with us for about 4 months now and she just laid 4 eggs. These turtles are list as least concern on the IUCN red list since 1996 and they are doing very well in the wild.

There are quite a few sub-species of each. To avoid frequent tank cleanings, simply remove your turtle from its tank and feed it in a separate container. Just move her lights down there, too. In the study, turtles held their breath for an average of 35 minutes when undisturbed.Some aquatic turtles from northern areas will hibernate underwater.

He said she needed to be able to do it herself. Hello and welcome. Remember, turtles don’t jump, they like to float, dive, and bask. Ask a Reptile Expert.I had a turtle that is laying infertile eggs.

Posts are for general information, are not intended to substitute for informed professional advice (medical, legal, veterinary, financial, etc. Turtles actually hibernate under water for months,Thier bodies go into state of hibernation which …

So, I'd watch him and if he would be under water for a long time, I'd put him on the log. I went away for a week and someone came and fed her once a day. There are currently no recognized subspecies of African sideneck turtle. When it comes to feeding your African sideneck, variety is the key to success. If the eggs reach the point that they threaten her life, surgery may be necessary. More detailed answers can replace this one! We put them in a giant plastic bin when we went out, and now that we have returmy three year old red eared slider is trying to burrow under a pair of rocks in his tank, but there is not enough room for him to fit under but he keeps trying.

Otherwise, she is likely to retain her eggs, which can be life-threatening.

As they get older they tend to give up most of their carnivorous tendencies.For meat proteins you can feed your sideneck earthworms, snails, clams, fish, aquatic insects, cooked chicken pieces, beef hearts, crustaceans, and maybe some small amphibians.

They are very similar to the African helmeted turtle, however, and the names are frequently interchanged.

Couldn't have asked for more. African Sideneck Turtle Endangerment.