Forget internet nerds and little kids, lets see what actual wild life experts say about Goillas vs Big Cats…link belowHahahahaha you’re crazy a gorilla would fuck a tiger up so badly. Of course, all of this is merely speculation. Silverback gorillas have eyesight more or less the same as a human being, which means they lack a strong night vision.Because gorillas rely heavily on sight, pitting them against a lion at night will put them at a strong disadvantage. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Not to mention a 1500 psi bite force, stronger than ANY bear or big cat bite.Fuck u retarded lion hater. Battle takes place in an arena. Gorillas aren’t known to have many, but there have been rare instances of them being hunted by leopards.

A male lion weighs in at 420 pounds. Gorillas are gentle creatures, but why the do fight, it’s extremely nasty.

Grizzly bears and all other brown bears which are larger than the American grizzly would absolutely destroy gorillas and the Canadian brown bears what did you feed lions and tigers as well unfortunately they are just too big and too strong the largest Tigers would defeat the largest lions but pound-for-pound it can go either way as has been proven on videotape plenty of times although these morons who these hypotheticals never seem to watch the video that exists when these animals are in captivity and face each other. They can strike, but not punch.

You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Cats are ambush hunters so an open pit probably favors the silverback.A silverback is a vegetarian so it doesn't hunt. Large as a full-grown man with a passion for weightlifting, these beasts range between 5-and-a-half to 6 feet tall and can weigh up to a whopping 500 pounds.They earn their title as the head and guardian of gorilla troops, which can consist of anywhere between 5 to 30 gorillas.

He could break the tigers leg like it’s nothingOn average a Tiger (Bengal & Siberain subspecies only) can sometimes be only marginally larger than an African Lion.Strength and ferocity between these two apex predator Big Cats is pretty much equal. A Silverback is the leader of a group (alpha male).

If you've been arguing this for years I'd think you'd know're def overestimating the killing ability of a lion against a large animal. It’s the will to fight will last much longer than a male lion’s and if it gets its hands upon a solid branch, it can put a beating on its feline combatant.So long as the silverback manages to evade a lion’s bite and its scratches remain superficial, he can use his powerful punches and throws to score a hit that will lay the lion low. Their weakness is that what they have in speed, they lack in stamina.Thus, while the lion is extremely powerful, it will tire quickly. Grizzlies are excellent hunters and are no stranger to killing both to eat and to defend their young. Gorillas on the other hand are not fighters. Death fight: African Male Lion Vs Silverback Gorilla. Once the lion’s cover is blown, both time and the fearsome pounding of a gorilla’s fists and makeshift weapons are weighed against him.While his own pale grass terrain may give him a stealth advantage, he still will depend heavily upon the success of that first attack. This would be very difficult with the lion’s speed and agility.

His attack will depend upon stealth and an accurate strike. While their jaw muscles are strong enough to break through bark, roots, vines, twigs, and bamboo, they still pale in comparison to the predatory teeth of its opponent: the male lion.It’s reach is also limited.

However, if they all ended up in the ring together, my vote would be on the tiger.hes so stupid, a lion would shit on a tiger cus they fight like every 10 mins and tigers are made for sneak attacking, theirs only like a 20kg weight difference, tigers are like assassins if they land on the lion from a tree they could win but if its face on, well all the real vids I watched which was recorded (their all old grey vids since that’s when their wasn’t animal activists deleting every real vid) the lion won every single one, but to the actual thing, a gorilla would smash every one of these animals, a gorilla can lift more then a tonne, a gorilla would throw the tiger and lion up into the tree and smash the skull of the grizzly bear into the ground with ease, the gorilla is the strongest pound for pound animal in the worldPreach brother. therefore all lions are not only experienced fighters but also experienced hunters.

Well, a full grown male lion is a powerful creature, but they don't have the same dexterity as a fully grown male silver back gorilla. This guy’s breakdown is hilariously un-thorough. save hide report. A Siberian (Amur) Tiger, yeah; Bengal males are closer to 400. Now bear vs gorilla? Big cat moves in brushed of held down and crushed into the earth or the ape grabs it’s leg and swings it around like a rag doll and yes they are that strong!
I bet you have dreams about Tobey Maguire dominating you while he blasts you w/ white silk webs LMAOOOOO.
But lets say the bear is stronger. The odds could go both ways.

They average about 10 feet long and can run 30 to 40 miles per hour. With the tiger’s powerful and razor-sharp claws any attempt by the gorilla to grab it would be met with a fierce and deadly blow.

Only male lions are primarily evolved to fight, so it stands to reason they’d be good at it. Not only are they strong, but gorillas are also fast. Without it, his odds dwindle quickly.If the idea of contemplating the odds of an epic gorilla vs lion battle excites you, then consider embracing a true adventure. Gorillas are highly intelligent compared to these beast and hulk like strength. With the silverback gorilla native to the upper mountainous region, he will find many advantages to a fight on his home turf due to its fighting style and its strengths.The gorilla’s strength and the ability to use makeshift weapons using the trees and rocks around him will help fend off a lion’s attack and make up for his short reach.