They have boiled bacon.

Whereas an uncured leg would be sold as a leg, inside or outside round (there's one more cut in there i don't remember.) Any help with correct ID and good source will be much appreciated. Perfectly shaped hams are made by chopping or grinding the pork, encasing it in a sheath, injecting it with brine and then smoking it. Both terms are used interchangeably.I want to make my own peameal back bacon and need the ingredients & amounts of each for the brine, as well as the time it needs to rest in the brine. Then it is encased in a sheath injected with a brine and smoked. We use this term because it is traditional, is part of our culture and as a bonus, it irritates the heck out of pedants and university professors (in the social sciences, the real scientists have actual jobs and are largely uninterested in splitting linguistic hairs).What we (Americans) call "Canadian bacon" is the cured and smoked boneless pork loin, sliced. Gammon (bacon) is from the hind leg, and hock bacon is from above the hind trotter (foot). Canadian bacon is a pork product. They would all laugh at the name and then complain about it not being proper bacon.And, for the record, people in Ireland don't eat corned beef on St. Paddy's day. Usually the slices are 3/8" thick. And yes, we consider it bacon. It's a farm breakfast, true, and since most of us no longer work on farms, it's a weekend treat, not an everyday item. A more cost effective corn meal replaces the pea meal for aesthetic purposes only. Any chance you can give me the name of a company that sells and ships? it's bacon! Cali20 where can we purchase this peameal bacon? It is the one that is super fatty with fat layers that are parallel to the rind.And it is not only the most popular in United States, side bacon is enjoyed throughout the world.In fact, the well-known Italian Pancetta – the strong-flavored, Italian bake is actually a side bacon, made from the pork belly.Canadian Bacon in the United States or Irish Bacon/Rashers in the United Kingdom, no matter what you like to call it, this is actually the same type of bacon – theThe back bacon comes from the loin in the middle back of the pig and it is actually a cut that includes both, the pork loin and the pork belly.The back bacon is actually a leaner cut than the side bacon, which is quite obvious given that the belly is much fattier than the loin in the back.If you cannot exactly picture which cut of the pig this is, know that the back bacon is actually the same cut of the pig as the pork chops. That is why it is uniform in shape (like in the picture above) and tastes like ham.

Roll in cornmeal. Look it up. I set up this website to share with you all I know about cooking and making our kitchen a better place :) Bacon is also used for barding and larding roasts, especially game, including venison and pheasant. Ham is only taken from the back leg, and only when its cured is it called ham.
It's also juicy and full of flavor.anon103238 must not have had real Canadian bacon.

The foods described by the term “Canadian bacon” are very different, depending on where in the world the consumer is. Back bacon is commonplace in the UK and is unlike the shaped ham style product called Canadian bacon in the U.S. Some stores in the Eastern United States have begun carrying these regularly.

Back bacon, which is the most common form of bacon in the United Kingdom (sometimes called Irish bacon or rasher or Canadian bacon) comes from the loin in the middle of the back of the pig. It has a ham-like texture.

US style bacon is available in the UK where it is known as "streaky bacon". It is an inferior and significantly cheaper product though, presumably consumed mostly by gypsies and the mentally unstable.There is no such thing as peameal bacon in the UK. Making bacon is actually a long process that requires a lot of work. It's not ham or bacon.

The color is very pink even when it's cooked through. Sounds like those of you describing a rolled/packaged in a tube, very salty meat, are describing Taylor Ham (or Taylor Pork Roll, depending on where you're from). The cured loins were shipped without the meal coating to suite the British market and were labeled as "Back Bacon". As the name suggests – collar bacon comes from the part where the collar goes – the shoulder.This bacon is taken from the back of the shoulder of the pig and it is much more flavorful than the other cuts thanks to its dark meat, as well as the marbling.This bacon, unfortunately, is not sold everywhere, but if you manage to get your hands on it, I assure you, you will not be disappointed at it.There are indeed many different cuts of bacon, however, the belly of the pig still remains the number one source of the majority of the crunchy bacon that we love eating in the morning.To me, it is not bacon if it isn’t as fatty as the side and middle bacon.
--Cali20 Thank you to all who responded; I now have a better idea of the origin and composition of "Canadian bacon" but I still need recommendations for commercial sources.

It's even-colored, not marbled, quite salty. "Canadian" bacon is made only from the lean eye of the loin and is ready to eat. This can sometimes lead to confusion, especially for travelers. Most bacon consumed in the United Kingdom is back bacon. Actually, I go to Culinary School in toronto, and have been taught in my butchery class that. The belly then enters into the curing process, much the same as ham.