Differences in the leprosy that affects us versus the kind that affects your pets are: The mycobacterium that affects humans is M. Leprae, while cats are affected by M. lepraemurium, and dogs are affected by M. simiaeIn pets, the disease is much less serious, does not affect nerves and internal organsCanine leprosy is thought to be transmitted by bug bites while human leprosy is transmitted through close contact with droplets of saliva and body fluidsHumans can contract leprosy from armadillos-- we probably gave it to them; but there are no known cases of pets contracting leprosy from armadillosAn Australian Boxer mix develops nodules under her skin around her head and neck. They have all their routine shots..

When you come into contact with their fecal matter or their claws you could contract a serious disease.Try placing Armadillo bait in the trap without setting it for about a week.

So long as your dog, cat, or two-year old hasn't been dining on armadillo sushi, you have little cause for concern.

So, if you are trying to view the page from a non-educational server, the U of M server won’t necessarily let you see the pictures. They are creative runners, swimmers, and diggers. Hello.

(For the full, official rules, click the CreativeCommons link button at the bottom of the page.) See the links at the bottom of the If the pictures are just too small, try clicking on them to view a larger version. It is a reservation so there are boar and turkey and deer and God knows what else. If it is a small area, like a flowerbed, you can sprinkle mothballs to keep the animals away. It makes it easier for people who are trying to find armadillo info, and it makes it easier for me to maintain the list.I don’t like them, for one thing. However, it is important to always remember that they are still wild animals that need to be treated with the greatest caution as well as respect.

Is this a sign of rabies or something? Once you stop feeding your armadillo loiterer, you have the option of installing a sturdy fence around your property. When farmers come out in the mornings, the slow-moving armadillos are seen taking advantage of the raccoon’s leftovers, so they get the blame for ruining the crop. As for the risk of transmitting diseases, I think that is … Who pays for my armadillo problem? This is a virus that can kill any mammal including humans. During the Depression, armadillos were often eaten by hungry people.

Are armadillos dangerous to cats, dogs, or other pets? They form from the same egg, share the same placenta during development, and are all the same sex. I certainly don’t want any banner ads on my website. In short, you are free to re-use, re-mix, or quote from this site, as long as you follow a couple of rules: First, you I’d like to say yes to this, but I really can't. The content of this site is published under a Creative Commons attribution/share-alike license.

They are wild animals, and any wild animal should be treated with caution and respect, but the average armadillo is not a dangerous creature. If the disease does not resolve on its own, antimicrobial drugs can be administered and will generally resolve the condition successfully.

All of these pictures are used with permission, and none of the ADW pictures I use are saved locally, as requested by their usage restrictions. They have all their routine shots.. Some images are owned by the University of Michigan’s Animal Diversity Web. I would also ask that you not link to the pictures on my page, as this is poor web practice and it increases the server load. Since the armadillo is not known to bite it is not as likely to transmit this disease as a raccoon or skunk would. Dogs do contract leprosy, but it is from their own species-specific form of leprosy, Mycobacterium simiae, not the same bacterium that causes leprosy in armadillos and humans. If you have a pet (such as a dog, cat, or two-year old) that has recently interacted with an armadillo, you needn't worry about the danger of your pet becoming infected. While uncommon, leprosy has been reported in both dogs and cats (1,2). The rest of the pictures have been submitted to me by readers or obtained from sites that provide clear fair-use guidelines or copyright-free images.

The meat is said to taste like fine-grained, high-quality pork.Armadillos make grunting sounds as they forage for food. I finally closed out the StatCounter link because it was generating errors in Internet Explorer. They are native to the Americas, and they share an odd trait in common with humans.