Eating even one lighting bug can kill your bearded dragon.No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat lilies or have them in the tank. Similarly to centipedes you might see millipedes, which are toxic for your dragon. Centipedes can also carry parasites and chemicals.

Yes, your bearded dragon can eat Bok Choy (also called Pak Choi or Chinese cabbage) occasionally (once in 10-14 days). Cucumbers are not very nutritious for your bearded dragon, anyways.Yes, bearded dragon can eat discoid roaches as a staple.

No, your bearded dragon can’t eat avocados. You can feed the dead insect straight away, but not more than 10-15 minutes after it died. They are also fatty.No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat any feeder lizards.
No, your bearded dragon can’t eat dock leaves.

Also avoid any orange or other citrus peel. That is because bearded dragon is not likely to eat dry pellets.
Mangos are also very sugary and acidic which can cause other health problems if they eat too much of it.

Offer once in a while mixed with water to dilute and soften. Healthy dragons wouldn’t really need to eat yogurt, at least not regularly. Honey has natural antibacterial properties. The won’t climb or fly either, and they are also beautiful. Yes, your dragon can eat herbs from time to time if you add them to the salads. Yes, cicadas are non-toxic, so your bearded dragon can eat them. Your bearded dragon can also eat some yogurt when it’s having low appetite. Offer once in 2 weeks.

Applesauce is good to help with constipation or to feed when your bearded dragon is sick.

No, your bearded dragon must not eat any mushrooms.

Also, baby mice are hard to digest, so only offer to skinny dragons to help gain weight. No, your bearded dragon must not eat lighting bugs, as they are highly toxic to your dragon. Additionally spiders can possibly be carrying parasite that are bad for your dragons health.

No, your bearded dragon can’t eat any spring onions. Eucalyptus contains various oils and is not safe not only to eat, but even to put in your dragon’s tank as a plant.

It will also make your dragon’s poop runny.

Only downfalls are that they can be harder to sex and to find for sale. No, your bearded dragon must not eat tiger lilies, as they are toxic. While your bearded dragon can eat some lychee fruit, they are very high in phosphorus compared to calcium (Ca:P ratio of 1:6). While guava is very high in vitamin C, it is also slightly high in phosphorus (Ca:P ratio of 1:2.2). This is because egg yolk is high in fat and cholesterol, which isn’t healthy in big quantities.

Don’t let your bearded dragon eat even petals, as they are also mildly to moderately toxic. In fact, we have a list of over 50 safe vegetables to feed your bearded dragon on our bearded dragon diet See the complete list of safe foods that bearded dragons can eat. Maybe 5 crickets a day, a small plate of dark greens? No, your bearded dragon can’t eat azaleas. Yes, your bearded dragon can eat mealworm pupae. Not every bearded dragon will love the taste, but you can try. Also, make sure not to offer too often, because they are high in fat. Baby mice can accept as treats however it's not neccassaryTechnically pill bugs are crusteceans, their shell is really tough. Mix with salad and offer small quantities. Note the size, too. Don’t offer any more fruits to your dragon for few days and hydrate to help pass the gummy.

Though I also have millions of anoles and I have seen them eat them so dont know. No, bearded dragons can’t eat lemons. Yes, your bearded dragon can eat kale, but only rarely.

The sections are divided by letters and you press on any of the searches to find the answer (it will jump to the answer). Also, they are high in oxalates and can cause abdominal discomfort. That's not much.

No, your bearded dragon shouldn’t eat ice cream. That is for example when you want your dragon to gain weight.

Yes, bearded dragons can enjoy washed mulberry leaves fresh from trees (not sprayed with anything).

Toxic lilies include Lily of the valley, Calla lilies, Tiger lily, Oriental lily, Peruvian lily, Glory lily and many more. Meat must also not be a normal part of your dragon’s diet. This is because goldfish carry a lot of parasites. Olives are very high in fat.

Bearded dragons can eat baby mice (also called fuzzy mice), but it’s very unnatural for dragons to eat mice. You cause the plant in the room or the tank, and your dragon is not likely to eat it because of a strong smell. Cut to small bite sized cubes and offer as a treat (within 10% of fruit allowance).