I happened to watch him kill one once, all they do is swim at it fast and hit it with its mouth and it dies. I guess you could get these "feeder" platies on Live aquaria... you could just get a compost box and wait a while and there should be earthworms and you won't be able to keep up with them they multiply quickly and would be a lot easyer for the crays to catch them as fishThere's really no need for your crays to have live fish, so feeding them live fish is causing needless suffering. various color varieties, the discus requires high water quality and a varied diet. Twitter. They will eat a mixed diet comprised of … The Another peaceful fish that will live harmoniously with most other fish is the Cory Catfish. The nitrogen cycle refers to the process in which dangerous substances such as ammonia and nitrates are broken down into safer substances such as nitrites in a new aquarium.For a sucessful cycle, the presence of good bacteria is required, and unfortunately, the only way for this bacteria to establish is to wait, then wait a bit longer. And can I have glass fish and Kuhli Loaches in the same tank?i have 2 Kuhli with a wide range of tetra’s . To be on the safe side, we recommend you keep these on their own, but if you want to mix them with other species, then make sure you provide rocks or an upturned plant pot where they can hide away in peace, to lay their eggs.Adult Cichlids can grow to be around 6 inches long, and their diet can consist of regular flake food.

Because they spend most of their time at the bottom of the tank, they do well with sinking food such as pellets, but they also thrive on brine shrimp and blood worms. When I noticed it and pulled it out it was half skeleton he had been eating on it.Betta’s tend to go after fish of a similar color. The sailfish's spear-like bill also comes in handy for slashing at larger prey fish, which stuns them into submission.

Freshwater Fish Forums. Despite their beauty, the discus is one of the least hardy aquarium fishes available. Yellowfin tuna, found in tropical and subtropical waters worldwide, can top 7 feet in length. Jennifer Kennedy, M.S., is an environmental educator specializing in marine life.

Gourami’s being of the same family if you have a blue betta do no add a powder blue dwarf gourami etc.I have an old 29 gallon tank I want to set back up. It’s not that the staff don’t have the best intentions in mind, they simply don’t have the knowledge. Do not keep with fast fish as the discus is a slow eater and will not fight for food. They’re a slightly larger and very colorful freshwater fish that come in a bundle of different variations. Although the behavior and characteristics tend to be the same from fish to fish, Guppies come in a wide range of colors. They are commonly sold as canned tuna. Guppy Fish. They are best kept in schools, so anything above 6 is preferred.In terms of dietary needs, they will eat just about any type of fish food, although they may not take to it at first if it’s a new tank. Together, sailfish engage their huge dorsal fins, creating a fence around their prey to prevent their victims from escaping their clutches.Though popular with sport anglers, sailfish cannot be taken commercially in U.S. waters except as incidental catch in Pacific longline and gillnet fisheries. Evolution has slowly turned mollies away from a carnivorous diet, and more towards a plant-based diet, so their digestive systems are designed to digest algae better than most other tropical fish. The long colorful fins will catch the eyes of anyone having a peek in your tank.

The swordfish has a long, sword-like bill, which it uses to spear or slash its prey. The Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) rates as the ninth fastest fish in the world, the highest ranking for any freshwater fish. In terms of their diet, they will be more than happy with fish flakes.A perfect fish for the community tank. She serves as the executive director of the Blue Ocean Society for Marine Conservation. To stop this from happening, simply keep all males, or all females, unless of course, you are in this game to breed them.Originating from the tropical region of Southeast Asia, the Kuhli Loach is an eel-like fish which, because of its size, ability to adapt to water changes, and the fact that it is peaceful, has made its way into our list of best freshwater fish.Being a bottom feeder, the Kuhli Loach will eat just about any spare food that has dropped to the bottom of the tank, including live foods such as worms and shrimp. This is a huge subject and one that every fishkeeper must be aware of, so we have an It’s a common myth among beginners and one that I wish would die out.

Keep in mind that they thrive better in communities, so it’s always better to keep more than one, preferably 5 or more. They are easy to care for and can be kept in tanks with at least 30 gallons of water, but like many other types of Gourami, they do require space at the top of the tank so they can breathe air.When it comes to feeding time, the Pearl Gourami can eat a wide variety of different foods, both plant-based, and meat-based. When looking for beginner freshwater fish, you need a species that will tick a few boxes;While this is by no means an exhaustive list of the best freshwater fish for beginners, it is a great place to start.These 13 tropical fish are beautiful, easy to find and perfect for beginner fishkeepers. Guppies will brighten up any tank thanks to their lively colors. With over 140 species to chose from, the Cory fish is the perfect addition to a beginner’s fish tank (Not to be mistaken for other catfish such as the Being aggressive eaters, these freshwater fish will be responsible for keeping your tank clean, thanks to their love for vegetative matter and algae which can build up at the bottom of home aquariums.With a lifespan of up to 20 years, the Cory Catfish is a communal fish, which strives better when kept in groups of at least 3.