Training I classically ride several hours a day.Wow that’s really great! Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional. However, there are also common threads between all of these disorders. This leads some people to reach for soft drinks and juices. It also shares a similar bedtime story as aspartame, being discovered by accident when the scientists dip their finger(s) in the chemical solution and lick it off, only to find it to be very sweet.

Fluoride? I will be starting antibiotics and will likely have Herxmeier reaction, including diarrhea. I feel this is from lost electrolytes because the worst times have been after high activity – lot’s of sweating. Many of the colors and flavors seem a little extreme with their bright blues and reds. The 6 grams of sugar seemed to have no affect on my Mom’s sugar levels, as her diabetes has been under control for the past couple years via improved diet, exercise and hydration.I have always been told Vitamin C was good for diabetics, but I wasn’t sure if 1000 mg of Vitamin C that Emergen-C has might be too much, possibly resulting in unwanted negative side effects? Run it by your doctor first.I have been looking for an electrolyte beverage with the same sodium and potassium balance as pedalyte without the sugar. A number of teas might be healthful options for people with diabetes.Add the cinnamon and ginger to the water and bring it to a boil. You could add chia seeds to this, just be aware that it will change the texture of the water.

A high incidence of vitamin D deficiency has been found in Type 1, which would also be connected to mineral levels. It is better to try the Gerolsteiner mineral water or use the Ultima in water and drink moderately. Which good choice is kosher certified?Those two I checked at whole food are not kosher certified.

I would test out the other electrolyte options and see if they work better.My son was just diagnosed with type 11 diabetes today. All rights reserved. Running in this type of a suit is more detrimental you to your health, especially being diabetic, than any positive gains you may achieve. The chia seed/sugar cane recipe was used by runners in the book Born to Run. The Endurolytes Fizz have 200mg of sodium and 100mg of potassium, and Vega has 100mg of sodium and 400mg of potassium. You prompted me to finish it. Swipe to advance 7 / 12 I’m happy to answer any other questions you may have.Wonderful article! with weights to break a sweat, to breaking into a sweat just getting dressed. Sorry, but I know it’s complicated. I wrote an easy to follow book for diabetes found here: Oh great! Ultima Replenisher (This is a great forum thanks to everybody’s input.In my area in Massachusetts Gatorade is pushing out Powerade on the shelf space which is what I drink,well I will try Ultima Replenisher . Moo juice isn’t just a kids’ drink—it’s one of the best drinks for people with diabetes, too. This is especially true with diabetes. ), potassium benzoate (can make benzene when combined with vitamin C, a known carcinogen), natural flavors (companies are not obligated to divulge what these are and can be MSG) acesulfame potassium (see this article why to avoid this) and caffeine (can increase blood sugar and lower insulin sensitivity). Here are the questions: Do you think I am a candidate for routine electrolyte rehyxration?Your GI doctor is likely discouraging commercial electrolyte drinks that are high in sugar due to your gastritis and colitis. A person should check the ingredients of a smoothie and account for the carbs it contains.Smoothies containing real fruit, are nutritious, and can curb a sweet craving. I have yet to have any positive effects on my diabetes 2 symptoms. That should make you suspicious.What you want to look for is coconut water in the refrigerated section, that uses young coconuts, is not pasteurized and does not contain any added ingredients like natural flavors, fruit juice or sugar. One of the nastiest things about it is it can be vastly different from one person to the next. It seems when I get badly dehydrated, I get weak when trying to do activities and my eyes see everything in a fluorescent lighting. thank you for any help.Yes, I have used the Endurolytes Fizz for long training times with great success. I would recommend trying this and see if it makes a difference. I also recommend eating hydrating watery vegetables and low glycemic fruit (apples, pears, berries) in addition for minerals and hydration.My browser is acting up. Happy to answer any future questions you may have.Hey this is mike i wanted to ask you what do you think about vitamin water they claim they have 100% mag, potass, nia, cal, & more Im a bit skeptic though, in other words i dont trust they. While I can’t say that the lack of sodium is the cause, it looks like including sodium in her electrolyte drink would help prevent diluted levels. My symptoms have passed, and my GI doctor is discouraging electrolyte drinks. On another note, her Vitamin D level (optimal is 50-70ng/ml) if not already addressed, should also be looked at. I take OTC potassium and drink pickle juice when I’m sweating.