The icy environment is more harmful to this plant than the hotter temperatures. Do not put it in direct sunlight–the sun will burn the foliage. Improper feeding of the plant drastically slows down its growth. The plant grows in the form of large vines that are prolific and usually sustain for a more extended period. Philodendron cordatum Lemon Lime. Make sure to dilute the fertilizer up to half of its recommended dose.You can easily cut the dangling vines if you feel that they have grown enough and spreading on the floor. Some of the common names of aliases are P.acrocardium, deviatum, harlowii, oxydatum and micans , However these names are not used anymore and hederaceum is used widely.The plant has many common names. Philodendron hederaceum lemon lime is commonly called as ‘Sweetheart Vine’ due to the unique shape of its leaves. In this method, leaves are removed from a part of the stem with nodes. Native to central and Southern regions and rain forests of America, Philodendrons are the second largest genus in their family. Neon pathos has thick leaves with a prominent mid-rib while Lemon lime philodendron leaves are thin and smooth textured. Philodendrons can reach up to the double of this height in wild habitat.The philodendrons are basically divided in to two sub groups:The plants in this group are adapted towards a growth pattern of climbing a near by support. It belongs to the family Araceae of the Kingdom Plantae. You can fertilize and water it as the plant looks droopy, and the soil seems dry, respectively.Lemon lime heartleaf philodendron requires a minimal amount of water. Thus, it is quite picky when it comes to its sun requirements.Philodendron domesticum Lemon lime grows well under moderate temperature conditions that are more towards the warmer side of the scale. Here, it was cultivated and grown. Wear and tear can be caused if it is exposed to high pressure, and such conditions should, thus, be avoided.This plant is very rarely susceptible to pest-caused diseases. Other than that, it is never found to be affected by any disease.This species is safe from pest attacks in the indoor environment. Substrate with admixture of peat also gives good results if used as a substrate for the plant.The Philodendron lemon lime plants can tolerate low lights and shady areas. On some places the vines of the lemon lime plant are reported to grow as long as 15 to 20 feet in ideal conditions.Vines are commonly pinched to enhance the spread of the plant. Besides the apparent effects, it soothes the mind and is a great stress-reliever.Lemon light philodendron thrives well in dry conditions, but the leaves turn brown if they are under-watered. You should keep it moist to prevent it from drying out.Common household fertilizers work well for this plant, but make sure they are not cheap because low-quality fertilizers contain heavy elements that can deteriorate the plant’s health within a short time.Lemon lime philodendron is a beautiful tropical plant that blooms in spring and summer. However, if the environment is unsuitable the plant may get common pest attacks like mealy bugs, the spider mites or fungus maggots. Philodendron Lemon Lime Scientific Name. Water and food supply must be reduced accordingly during this period of dormancy. The sweetheart vine is shade tolerant, low maintenance and beautiful enough to decorate any corner of your house. You need to keep an eye on the plant or at least have a little examination the plant once a month. So, they can be trimmed to get the appropriate length and maintain a particular shape and size.Lemon lime philodendron cannot survive at extreme temperatures, especially when it is cold. Its leaves are thin, heart-shaped, and the foliage is solid bright pinkish-yellow initially. The cuttings of the plant were then delivered to Florida. It thrives in 65 to 80 degrees Farenheight. You can also remove some of the leaves on each strand by pinching to reduce the spread of the plant. The plant enthusiasts love all the species from this genus because they are gorgeous as indoor decor ornaments, and they are fast-growing as well as easy to keep.The scientific name of this plant is “Philodendron Hederaceum Lemon Lime.” Other common name and synonyms include:Lemon lime appears different in various stages of its life. Leaves may loosely hang down if kept in light lower than the optimum intensity. It is important to mention here that due to their suitability, some of these names are used for other plant species as well.Just like its other family members, plant body has crystals of Calcium Oxalate in it. Plus, both have the same heart-shaped leaves.However, if we look closely at both plants, the differences become evident. The nodes are then placed in a small bag of soil and tied while keeping the stem attached it on the plant. Just keep it healthy.Like other species of this family, lemon lime philodendron is toxic to humans and pets as it contains calcium oxalate crystals. 'Lemon Lime' Philodendron will thrive in many different light conditions, including low light areas, but prefers bright indirect light. The soil must be loose enough for roots to grow properly.It requires 75-80% exposure to sunlight throughout the day. Take a sharp sheers and cut carefully without damaging the plant. They are also called self-heading or non-trailing philodendrons.Philodendrons have a vast number of varieties.