I will talk about the following:Rudram is also known as Namakam as it represents the glorification of Siva.

He whom we hate, and he who hates us, I consign them into your yawning mouths.He who has divine fragrance, He who makes men powerful and full of plenty,Like a ripe berry from its stalk, release me from death, and let me not turn away from immortality and enlightenment.Yo rudro vishva bhuvanaaavivesha tasmai rudraya namo astuThat Rudra who has even entered into and pervaded fire, the waters, vegetation, and all the worlds, let my salutations be to that Rudra.Tamushhtuhi yah svishhuh sudhanva yo vishvasya kshayati bheshhajasyaYakshvamahe saumanasaya rudram nabhobhi rdevamasuram duvasyaHe who holds a beautiful and powerful shaft and a strong bow,He who is the source and repository of all medicines, praise Him alone.To gain the favor and goodwill of that supreme and effulgent God Rudra, let us worship Him, honor and adore Him by salutations.Due to its contact with the Linga image, this right hand of mine is fortunate.Indeed this hand of mine is a panacea for all human beings for all ills.Those countless nooses of yours by which You destroy all mortal creatures, we shall loosen them by the efficiency of our worship of you.I offer this sacred food offering in sacrifice to Rudra the Destroyer.Om namo bhagavate rudraya.

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Be blessed with fire, water, creepers, fine foliage everlasting green vegetation, cultivable products, and stray growth millets, and sacrificial animals wild and domestic, wealth ancestral and acquired, progeny and property under acquisition, all worldly benefits, and accompanying advantages, hard earned income and valued belongings minor and major, cozy and comfortable dwellings and abodes to my progeny and the capability to perform sacred rituals and sacrificial rites such as yajnas perfectly and very successfully and enjoying the fruits thereof, assuring harmony, happiness and prosperity achieving my desired objects and finally attaining the goal of liberation.Thirty one specifice desires are prayed to be fulfilled in this fifth Anuvaka.This Anuvaka is titled as ‘Arthendram’ because all Gods are clubbed with Indra.Indra is the God of Gods, and he gets a share of all sacrificial offerings along with every God.Thus a bigger share is offered to Indra, the Antaryami.Thus twenty five Gods are invoked along with Indra to grant us benevolence:Agni, Indra, Soma and Indra; Sivata and Indra; Saraswati and Indra; Pusa and Indra; Bruhaspati and Indra; Mitra and Indra; Varuna and Indra; Tvasta and Indra; Vishnu and Indra; The two Aswins and Indra; The Maruts and Indra; The Visve devas and Indra; the earth and Indra; the intervening space in between celestial earth and Indra; the four sides (Disas) and the space above Indra and prajapati and Indra.Let the vessels used in the sacred soma sacrifice be granted to us.They are the Amsu, the Rasmi, the Adhabya; Adhipati (for curds), the Upamsu (for Soma Juice) the Antaryama, the vessels for Mitra, Varuna, the twin Aswins, the pratiprastana, the Sukra, the Manthi, the Agramana, the Vaisvadeva, the Dhruva, the Vaisvanara, the Rtugrahas, the Atigrahas, Indra and Agni, for the Visvedas, for Maruts, the supreme Indra, Aditya, Savita, Saraswati, Pusa, Patnivata and the Hariyojanas.pachataash cha me avabhrithash cha me svagaakaarash cha meMay God blesses me with all the external Sacrificial practices to perform thesacrifices.

Thanks. Regular worship: Recite rudram followed by chamakam. The first is Mrityunjaya Mahamantaran who is present in fire, who is in water, in plants and trees and in everything in this world.arrows, best bow, who is in medicines that cure all diseases and who destroys asuras.god to me, this is the medicines for all sickness to me and for this I touch Siva and Fifth Mantra: Ye they Sahasra----- Mrithyuve svaha.

According to tradition, only those who have had upanayanam done in the proper manner are qualified to study the Vedas. It is also known as Satha Rudreeyam or Rudra Prasnam. Om namo bhagavate rudraya. It is also chanted as a shield (kavaca) for virulent fever, to cure diseases, fetal disorders, absolution from evils stars and bad karma, for the fulfilment of ones desires, sumptuous rainfall, family protection, blessings with good children, fulfillment of all material desires and the destruction of enemies.In the second Anuvaka, Rudra is prayed to as one who pervades the earth and as the green foliage and heritage of medicinal herbs.

On 6/10/2011 05:36:00 AM Namaste astu dhanvane bahubhyamuta te namah. Afflict not the elders in our midst, nor the tender babe, nor the procreating youth, nor the child in the womb, nor the father or mother, nor our bodies dear to us.Manastoke tanaye ma na ayushhi ma no goshhu ma no ashveshhu ririshhahViranma no rudra bhamitoavadhi rhavishhmanto namasa vidhema teLord Rudra! Any error or omission is entirely mine.It is a tradition in Upanishad reciting to start with a shanti pata. Salutations to them. This prayer to Rudra has two parts-the Namakam (verses ending with Nama) and the Chamakam (Verses ending with Cha May) each with eleven sections. ;-)Information on Hindu Dharma Contained in this work / blog has been revealed by Guruji. Rudran is a Vedic god. This constitutes one unit of Rudra Homam. We pray to attain you by our auspicious words. Oh! Marvellous. Rudra Deva! With my ten fingers joined, I bow to them with my body facing the east, the south, the west, the north, and upwards, I bow to them with my mind. Thus he starts devotee is requesting Rudra to relinquish his fierce exterior and not to use his weapons. Namakam Chamakam with Meanings. Rudram Chamakam. If it breaks from within, a life begins. Chamakam basically is asking Rudra for granting phalams for having recited the Rudram. My salutations to your anger and also to your arrows. All of us are familiar that Rudra represents anger and infact the Rudram starts Our scripture mentions that there are 33 devatas. A collection of spiritual and devotional literature in various Indian languages in Sanskrit, Samskrutam, Hindia, Telugu, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam, Gujarati, Bengali, Oriya, English scripts with pdf He is the cause of both significant and minor. Srirudram - Namakam (Chapter 16 of Yajur-Veda) Anuvaka 1 Om namo bhagavate rudraya Namaste rudramanyavautota ishhave namah Namaste astu dhanvane bahubhyamuta te namah Oh! Rudram and Chamakam are Veda manthrams. Now I will discuss some interesting aspects of each anuvaka of Rudram.