It was like a knife in my stomach. Varicose veins are Spinach is a high-fiber vegetable; when you eat large amounts, it could cause stomach cramps, bloating and diarrhea. Had this ever since i was little but getting worse now?" Spinach is good for our all health because of the number of nutrients present in it. Upset stomach, or indigestion, is usually no cause for concern. In most cases, the symptoms can last for 1-10 days.A doctor should be consulted if the individual notices blood in the vomit or stool, fever or if the symptoms become worse for more than 3 days. The Question: “I get a stomach ache from quinoa. As the condition progresses, the painful episodes may become more frequent and severe. Gallstones. If after consuming spinach you notice minor to moderate stomach cramps that continually increase and lead to vomiting and diarrhea, call your doctor. During the procedure a flexible tube in inserted in the mouth and threaded down into the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum. If you are histamine-intolerant, eating spinach can trigger allergy-like symptoms such as nasal congestion, stomach cramps and skin irritation. Your body does not digest fiber, which helps to maintain regularity and promotes bulk-forming and solid stools. Diane Marks started her writing career in 2010 and has been in health care administration for more than 30 years. As with everything else, moderation is key. Read more: Can I Eat Spinach Every Day? Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the LIVESTRONG.COM

Histamine is also in certain foods such as spinach, according to Michigan Allergy, Sinus & Asthma Specialists. Doctors give unbiased, trusted information on whether Stomach can cause or treat Stomach Cramps: Dr. Al-Alami on spinach stomach cramps: Occurs - then it is important to stop eating the watermellon. These … Talk with your doctor to receive a proper diagnosis.Histamine is a chemical compound created in the body to protect against infection and disease. Gallstones are stone-like objects that can form in your gallbladder or bile ducts. Severe Stomach Pain can be experienced by men and women at any age, so much so that even children may suffer from it. may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. Tissue samples can be taken to be evaluated by a pathologist. Spinach is a common vegetable used in casseroles and salads and as a side dish. In some cases, abdominal bloating and pain can occur due to a serious problem. Most symptoms last for one to 10 days.Call your doctor if you notice blood in your stool or vomit, if you develop a fever or if your symptoms persist for more than three days. Your body does not digest fiber, which helps to maintain regularity and promotes bulk-forming and solid stools. Treatment typically includes a modified diet, increased fluid intake and rest. When making eggs, you should include vegetables and fruits, and this could help with allergy relief. Although the pain sometimes comes on after eating a meal, there's often no trigger.

Pooling of blood in a vein causes it to enlarge. The consumption of spinach can also increase the intake of dietary fiber that can momentarily cause stomach cramps along with other digestive symptoms. Spinach is an excellent source of vitamin K which plays a very important role in blood clotting. According to MedlinePlus, increasing the amount of fiber you eat can cause stomach cramps for the first few days. Spinach might be contaminated during harvesting, processing or preparation. This is more concerning and needs work-up. To treat stomach pain after eating eggs take a lot of vegetables and fruits such as tomatoes, oranges and, grapes. Motility disorders can also cause bloat such as gastroparesis which also If the cramps are consistent every time you eat spinach, you may have a condition called histamine intolerance. The treatment usually includes a modified diet, increased intake of fluid and adequate rest. 2020 Answered by Dr. Michael Fisher: Stomach Pain: Abdominal pain after eating is … In case the stomach pain becomes a common symptom after eating spinach, the individual might have a more serious condition such as irritable bowel syndrome. Call 911 if your abdominal pain is severe … If stomach ache is due to alcohol, abstinence from alcohol is the best remedy. The common allergic symptoms associated with spinach allergy include, Severe abdominal pain and colic accompanied with gastro intestinal distress in the form of diarrhea and vomiting Appearance of skin rash and hives all over the body. The only treatment for histamine intolerance is avoidance of foods and beverages that contain the substance.Spinach is considered as a high-fiber vegetable that can cause stomach pain, diarrhea and bloating if taken in large amounts.Spinach is considered as a high-fiber vegetable that can cause stomach pain, An increase in the intake of fiber eaten can trigger stomach pain for the first few days.