Question about sand boa tank setup. u/otisoiler. The splash morph results in aberrant saddles.

This condition manifests itself through redness around the mouth and nostrils. While they are not too difficult to care for, the snakes can respond negatively to poor diet and ill-fitting habitat.If you want to maximize their lifespan, proper care is key. Close. They will also accept thawed frozen foods as well.Feeder mice are your best bet when it comes to providing a balanced diet. 6 months ago. However, they are much smaller and far easier to care for.Kenyan Sand Boas are beautiful pets that don’t require a ton of specialized care. Provide suitable hiding areas at both warm and cool areas, so the snake can feel secure at any temperature.

These snakes seem to prefer enjoy burrowing underneath flat hiding places located directly on top of the substrate, rather than more conventional hiding places. This should be more than enough for the snake to bury their body and get comfortable.Aside from the substrate, you don’t need a ton of decorations. Typical litters consist of about three to twelve offspring, although larger litters are recorded. The food could escape or cause injury to your snake (although it’s highly unlikely). The albino morph, the paradox morph, and the splash morph. 100w full spectrum light on the same side. We really can’t recommend them enough!If you’re still a little unsure and want to reach out with additional questions, you’re more than welcome to. Aspen bedding, sand, and Care Fresh are popular with many keepers. I have two tanks that I just bought secondhand: one being 36 x 17 x 16 and the other about 20 x 10 x 10 or so. We’re always happy to go the extra mile for our readers!As a child, Isabel spent countless hours following her older brothers on their search for reptiles, amphibians, and other critters. They’re frozen and can be thawed out prior to feeding.If you are using sand as a substrate, you might want to transfer your snakes to a separate feeding tank with no substrate. In fact, it’s not uncommon to see girth measurements remain constant throughout the length of the body. A red infrared bulb can be used to view your snake, but full light should be kept off.The natural humidity levels in the snake’s African habitat are very low. Alternatively, these snakes fair well with standard play sand.Other substrates you could try include coconut mulch, aspen bedding, or even newspaper. Thus, it’s a good idea to create different temperature zones.Using a heat emitter, under tank heater, or directional lamp, make one side of the enclosure a bit hotter.

The Kenyan Sand Boa (Eryx colubrinus loveridgei) is found in sandy savannah areas of Kenya and adjacent African countries.

Such specimens are often referred to as 'Flame Race'. They’re low maintenance compared to many other reptiles.However, that doesn’t mean that you should take their care requirements lightly.Like all snakes, Kenyan Sand Boas require the right environment and an appropriate diet to stay healthy. Most specimens will require a mild cooling period to breed, but some readily reproduce under normal conditions. Buying a sand boa, looking for advice on tank setup. Don’t use cedar shavings or gravel. Each substrate retains the proper moisture, retains tunnels and burrows to make your slippery friends feel at home. The main color morph you’ll see incorporates shades of black, dark brown, and orange. It’s caused by moving around in damp and dirty environments.Another common disease is mouth rot. Archived.

Probing or popping should only be performed by an experienced individual, as improper technique may result in severe damage or even death. It should be nice and dry.

As with all reptiles, do NOT use cedar or pine shavings. The colors and patterns of this snake are quite interesting, and you’ll never get tired of looking at them.This species is also very easy to keep.

These are usually caused by poor sanitization and dirty living conditions.For example, these snakes are susceptible to blister disease. Mist the enclosure to facilitate the shedding process.Outside of shedding, keep the humidity levels as low as possible.Providing water is one of the easiest parts of Kenyan Sand Boa care.