In reality, the story is more of a philosophical treatise, masquerading as a detective story. Ostensibly this framing paragraph serves to ground the confessional narrative in historical fact and provides the question to which Yu Tsun’s “deposition” is supposedly an answer.
Politically, a new power began to take shape in Argentina.

He offers as evidence a statement from a Dr. Yu Tsun, but the first two pages of the document are missing. Yu Tsun’s reaction to Albert’s letter fragment, Yu Tsun states “the fame of Ts’ui Pen as a calligrapher had been justly won.

Liddell is also claims to be responsible for the initial plans that had become the Borges creation of the document with missing pages skews the story, but he couples Albert the learned Sinologist to Chinese music, the Fang story, the war strategist Sun Tzu, and most of all: Yu Tsun’s heritage. of certain states and procedures in consciousness: those states and procedures that concern the way in which we invest our experience with understanding or significance, by which we arrive at our ability to interact creatively and purposively with our environment. This array of clues, in relation to the Fang story and Albert’s revelation of its correlation to his and Yu Tsun’s meeting, ties him to the Hung Lu Meng fiction through the time period of the Qing Dynasty.

Plato is the progenitor of Western didactic criticism and theory: the idea that literature should serve moral and social function (Leitch 44). Even Yu Tsun’s message, when transmitted, has more than one possible outcome, and is important to him in more than one way. In all fiction, when a man is faced with alternatives he chooses one at the expense of the others. Borges (or more exactly, the “editor”) cities Captain Liddell Hart’s Yet Borges’ intention in introducing us to the story via history is not simply to give his fiction an innocent motivation, that of answering the “official” account of a historical event, of attempting, on“In returning to‘ The Garden . The genre was invented by Certainly Borges follows the conventions. I think not), famous scholar of the military arts and strategist whom Liddell Hart has studied. The Chinese spy was formerly “professor of English at the What happens, in general terms, is that each notation (here and in other Borges stories) works less as an attempt to “clarify” someone’s identity and role than as a kind of magnetic field for associations.

Next Time. The Dancing Girl of Izu (1926)… c. 1940 The phrase 'to various future times, but not to all' suggested the image of bifurcating in time, not in space. Certainly, the tension between Yu Tsun’s reading of his ancestor’s text as incoherent and Albert’s reading of the same text as ordered parallels the human experience of trying to render meaningful the apparently random events of life.One of the most interesting tricks Borges plays in “The Garden of Forking Paths” is his narrative technique. In few of them, however, does the labyrinth figure so prominently as in “The Garden of Forking Paths.” The labyrinth—a maze of hedges, for example, in a formal garden—is a physical puzzle.

His state of physical ease matches the time of day (late afternoon) and the surroundings: “the afternoon was intimate, infinite” Yu Tsun is in fact blinded by the light, and cannot make out Albert’s face. the reading of “The Garden of Forking Paths”. DIED: 1972, Zushi, Japan Just before Perón was elected, Borges had signed a petition protesting fascism and military rule. The reader must “get lost” in the text. More than that, it is—as with Robbe-Grillet, or Proust or Coleridge before him—a recognition that “imagination” is precisely that process of constructing significance for oneself. Yu Tsun, in order to get vital information to the Germans after his contact is killed, describes how he devises a plan to relay the site of the British artillery park in Belgium.Yu Tsun is a contradictory character; although he is Chinese, he teaches English. While Borges also includes through Albert the comparison of the cyclical story structure of Borges reflects Plato through his use of a “Socratic dialogue,” speaking either to his own or at the very least Yu Tsun’s admiration to a mentor: Albert and/or Goethe. The Garden of Forking Paths Analysis. In this sense, reading any narrative text could be thought of as the ex-ploration of a labyrinth. When Albert’s back is turned, Yu Tsun shoots and kills him.In the last paragraph of his statement (and the story), Yu Tsun is awaiting his death on the gallows as punishment for his crime. Fang makes up his mind to kill him. Sources

So “dreaming” is not evasion, but rather (as Borges suggests with inevitable irony in “The Circular Ruins”) a very precise kind of work. A summarization of the narrative in linear fashion is unnecessary, but the ingredients are clearly chosen for their effect: a Chinese spy for the Germans; a sinologist holding the key to the labyrinthine work of the spy’s ancestor; a plot involving murder, attempted killing, and a message that will result in many deaths; the conjunction of modern (1916) war and Chinese culture; the sending of a secret message.