After you’re You may need to spray the insecticide a few more times if the infestation is severe. Apply 1 gallon of finished product for every 800 sq/ft. The duration will depend on the manufacturer’s instructions, so always read the datasheet before begin your spraying.After drying out, make sure you open the windows and doors to let in the fresh air. Do not enter the area before the allotted time or you could get ill. Raid can be So, you should always keep babies and pets away when You will then be linked to the poison control center for managing the symptom before help arrives.As you have seen, Raid is a harmful insecticide, and so are others, but that doesn’t mean you cannot use the product. then the answer to the main question in this article is no. Make sure your room has good ventalation, such as a window being open so the fresh air can come in. The smell lingers for a little bit, but that spray is pretty safe to use. We’ve got the cleaning supplies you need to make it happen. Also, it is always important to read the label first.You can also use a dehumidifier to get rid of the raid fumes.Reading the label before use will provide you with enough instructions and precautions to observe.Kids and pets are most vulnerable to raid fumes, mainly because their bodies cannot detoxify the fumes quickly. Raid is much stronger and more effective, compared to other pesticides.Raid contains two chemicals that are not safe: Cypermethrin and Imiprothrin. The duration will depend on the manufacturer’s instructions, so always read the datasheet before begin your spraying. Bugs and pests can cause various health problems depending on the kind of insects they are.Mosquitoes and ticks cause vector-borne diseases. That usually takes up to two hours. if you need to spray Raid around your bedroom. Read the product label for more detailed instructions. However, the windows and doors should have a protective screen to prevent insects from re-infesting.There are measures you can take to ensure you are safe from its effects. So, since there are ways to In general, plan to stay away for three to four hours. You can use I’ve provided you with all information I could find Most insecticide spray products recommend that you stay out of the treated area until it has had time to dry. Safety Data Sheets list all the harmful effects a product can have. They include:When you spray this in your room, you must give it time for it to dry out before entering the room. Cockroaches can contribute to asthma and also allergies. But, what about inhaling it overnight?Whenever I’m not sure about the possible negative effects of a product, I always make sure to Google its Safety Data Sheet. But, if your dog starts acting in distress, then you may need to call for help.Signs of a pet with pesticide poisoning include vomiting, diarrhea, skin irritation, seizures, and lethargy, among others.So if you have kids and pets, you need to take them outside or to a friend’s place before spraying. However, if the spray was meant to kill one bug or insect, you must wipe off the spray after killing them.Other instances will require you to wipe off the resides. For example, you can In case your baby or your pet sleeps in your bedroom, You must also dispose of the gloves also and adequately keep the Raid out of children’s reach.Now that you have the information required, it’s up to you to decide whether you’ll risk it or not.Always keep children as well as pets away from the room. Their bodies are also developing, which means they cannot adequately protect themselves.Continuous inhalation will cause damage to their nervous system. As long as When they are inhaled, they can cause congestion, difficulty breathing, and extensive coughing. Other insects can also cause diseases such as anthrax, prions, and avian flu.Spraying Raid insecticide will eliminate and prevent these insects from coming into your home. There are different ways of eliminating insects in your home. That is why you should beSo, in case you’re using this kind of product, you You must have a first aid kit in the house in case of any side effects.If you already have a preexisting condition, inhaling Raid my also lead to a heart attack. harmless insecticide. you’re spraying Raid. Answer last updated on: 09/08/2011 Was this answer helpful to you? Most foggers or bombs recommend that you are out of the home for 2 - 4 hours followed by at least 1 / 2 hour of venting the home by opening the windows. But, you should read the label to make sure that you’re giving it enough time to dry out. In addition, it’s best that you avoid leaving the residue For instance, before you start spraying Raid in your home, you should wear protective clothing.Long pants, face mask, shoes, and a long-sleeved shirt are some of the clothing that you should consider. When you spray this in your room, you must give it time for it to dry out before entering the room. Opening windows prematurely so you can enter the home faster may render the fogger ineffective.