Its just there walking. are interested in advertising on this site please contact me with your However, the cosmos, on occasion, will pass on a bit of a “Folks with this spirit animal are also carefully conventional and tend to go along with things as they are. On my way to work today 5 or 6 ducks where blocking the road. Feathers are a sign from the Angelic and Spirit realm, to let us know that they are always taking care. This hurt my soul and I actually cried out. What could this mean?Last night I dreamt about a mama duck and her ducklings, now I see your post about seeing them where you live- I am from El Paso (live in the Midwest now). The duck was a fawn color with on bright purple feather. It was the first day we got there . I said don’t worry it’s a special duck and I put the head back on and it turned back into a real super crisp glowing white duck. Due to their link to birds, feathers are also seen as a symbol of freedom, not only physically, but also in the spiritual aspect. You must continue to care for this aspect. One lion was killed by townspeople, and the other escaped. Any clue as to why this had such an impact on me? It was caught in a fishing line. It doesn’t want to part wih me that it really seemed to be so attached to meI had taken the kids to school, and when I arrived back to the house I saw a brown duck on the front yard , I was able to walk up to thr yatd while talking to it. I’d feel better if its energy had been transformed to another animas as food, but this just seems so pointless. When we arrived home, I went to the front patio to see the plants. As I stopped my car for them the entire flock started to fly past my car to the other side of road. Occasionally, this type of dream can also signify that you are “Ducking” some issue or situation instead of I had a dream where two lions were chasing us. If there is anymore information you have on ducks please let me know .This morning I had to slow my car down to let a duck cross the road…I looked to my left and saw the duck was crossing to see another duck who had been struck by a car. I’m left in bewilderment – what is the message?! Iwas brushing my teeth in the faucet outside the house. I had been diagnosed with premature ovarian failure shortly before meeting him, which means the only possible way of maybe having a child together would be via egg donner. Duck spirit people will find themselves balanced and experiencing fertility.The duck is a sign of balance and fertility. I gave it bits of bread. Even though this animal isn’t as rare and mysterious as some other animals, they are still important symbols in many countries. I know that this must be an important sign!Hi Lucy: This Duck is giving you the message that although you have a big opportunity in front of you that needs to be moved on swiftly – the choice is still yours as to whether or not to take it. black feather, greay feather, brown feather, white feather meaning - Feathers are a sign from the Angelic and Spirit realm, to let us know that they are always taking care. As my partner was packing up this morning a duck wandered into the house and he spent a length of time trying to get it out of the house. U are unconsciously caring for this aspect of yourself through healthy emotional affirmations, hopefully to see this part of yourself grow and act independently and powerfully through you. I’m usually never out there – especially not for long enough to recognise a cheeping. They peer out of the tree, and after some contemplation, one by one the ducklings jump from the safety of the hollow onto the ground below. I was born on April 5. The other six ducklings followed after her.