You're location isn't on your profile. The soil in your monstera’s pot should be kept consistently moist but not waterlogged. I'd need more details on the output of your light, but you definitely need something if you don't have any windows.I just noticed dark spots on most of the older leaves on my juvenile monstera (only one leaf with a fenestration). Yellowing leaves or brown-edged leaves are a sign that you’re overwatering. If you are impatient and don’t want to spend too much time, you can simply just cut a vine and place it in water. Keep an eye on your monstera’s leaves, especially the oldest ones on the plant, and clean them with a soft, damp cloth or quick shower with tepid water to remove any dust buildup. There could very well be nothing wrong it.Some leaves are going brown is that from too much watering? Read through the post and you'll have to start observing your plant closer to determine the cause. Common names are enormously confusing and I always refer to this plant by its botanical name (genus + species), Monstera deliciosa. Monstera deliciosa is one of the trendiest houseplants that you can grow these days. Gently mist your monstera plant in the morning once per week to ensure that it's getting the humidity it needs. Step 3: Insert a toothpick sideways into the cut to keep it open through the rooting process. Since these plants prefer to be pot-bound, it’s a good idea to repot only every two to three years. I sometimes rotate and change fertilizers, but I’m currently using I like to fertilize dilutely with every watering. This post is the ultimate guide on growing Monstera deliciosa, and I will also show you some remarkable tips and tricks on repotting Monstera as well so that you can be the best plant parent that you can be!This plant was once popular a few decades ago, and it is back with a vengeance! The genus, Monstera, literally refers to the “monstrous” proportions that this plant takes on in the wild. That way my plants receive constant nutrients, similar to how they would grow in nature, and I don’t have to remember the last time I applied fertilizer!One of the most rewarding parts of growing Monstera deliciosa is watching the plant evolve from its juvenile leaves, to the more mature adult leaves. Alexandra Jones is an avid urban grower and Master Gardener writing about houseplants, gardening, and sustainability from her home in Philadelphia. On the other hand, try not and let the potting mix completely dry out if you can help it. A Monstera leaf can’t create any extra holes during de lifespan of the leaf. ( Monstera is a naturally vining plant that was not designed by nature to stand upright. There are so many common names for this plant: Swiss Cheese Plant, Mexican Breadfruit, and even Split Leaf Philodendron. Then once it is ready, you can simply cut the vine under where you air layered and pot up your new plant!Be sure to get everything you need to help your Monstera deliciosa thrive. Plant your new monstera, leaving the moss on the roots, in an appropriately-sized pot with fresh all-purpose potting soil, then care for it as usual. For the fastest growth, you must situate your Monstera in good light (this means it needs to be right in front of a window!). As larvae, they look like little white grubs in clusters on the leaves or stems. This will give the new roots a medium to grow into. I wrote a printable, detailed how-to blog post that shows how you can As far as potting media for Monstera deliciosa goes, I like to use a good potting mix, such as This will give you a nice airy potting soil that this plant loves! Keep in mind that larger pots may take longer to dry out than much smaller pots, so don’t water by your calendar.