As I opened the door the most beautiful coyote came up my steps and looked into my house. I was absolutely devastated. This is the second time these coy dogs have come to my place of living and the first time gotten into the trash. I waited to see if he would still cross the road(not wanting to scare him any further I stayed still so he could catch up to the others). Was she reachable? I decided to do a spirit guide hypnosis as I have been searching for my spirit animal for a long time and this fox /wolf animal shows up with her tongue lolling out and a grin on her face haha. This fun website offers you messages from your Brought to you by the same people who created Spirit Animals. We have hardly seen any of them anymore. This is a powerful sign to me. But by the time I got fully kitted up and on my way they were gone. It’s no accident that the most intelligent animals are the ones who play the most. I would like to know why the Mother would bring the little ones up to my deck each day and let them sleep the better part of the day with my 2 cats (She The Mother) doesn’t bother my cats at all, they all just lay around and rest all afternoon in the shade of the deck, and come evening she takes them ( the baby’s) back out to the tree feeds them and they play and go to the den and we don’t see them again until morning? But life, by its very nature is a full contact sport. I hope you find peace and all is well.Around 11pm two nights ago, I opened my back door to check on my stray cat I feed.

Any ideas what this meantCoyote is not out to get us, but to teach us, whether we are willing students or not.Maybe it was telling you to lighten up and stop taking things to seriously? Coyote energy is a sign of trouble or good fortune.

The symbolism of the Coyote remains enigmatic, being both a trickster yet also a teacher. I thought he was telling me to pursue my dreams and reminding me to stop being in a rush and take my time. It was kinde and playful at first then it got more aggressive till it bit my right foot. People care for and often love individual dogs and because of our own significance those dogs gain a greater value. I couldn’t slow down in time or go into the other lane of oncoming traffic and sadly, it just ran in front of my car, and I hit it. The Coyote is a clown in the natural world, and in many Native American tribes view the symbolism of the Coyote as that of trickster, shape-shifter, and transformer. That’s when I noticed the other two had returned while I was focusing on the pup. Talked to it softly and asked it to come closer. (I’m from FL but was born in OR.). I have been struggling with severe depression lately. The third stopped just in time. Trusting the Universe knows and loves and understands what I truly need and will provide it, is trusting that a Higher Power is at work in my life.

I have always resonated with the hawk but lately (like in the last week) I have seen a coyote running along side my car twice and I’ve heard the whole pack while outside one night but no one else noticed? Today I celebrate the Nikakwaho’ ta’:’ah spirit of all First Nations people. But here lately the holla in our woods have become infested with them. I am in the snow on a high mountain. Tonight they wondered around the yard.I adore them and am blessed to know they are my spirit animal! I was really ecstatic to be next to Coyote and took it as a good omen as I had just asked Hope, this waitress girl whom I liked at the restaurant, to call me if she ever wanted to meet up. While exploring the property of a house, a coyote came out of the bushes, not more than 10 feet from me, to look at me. As I glanced up the sign on the seedy bar they had just poured out of it said Coyote Jack’s. what is the meaning of a coyote coming onto ones property to die?? No matter how many ways and how many times that human beings have tried to remove Nikakwaho’ ta’:’ah from the planet, she finds ways to survive, even to thrive and to be fully Nikakwaho’ ta’:’ah. They’ve opened my mind and my heart to a deeper understanding. I read up a few things but want more Intel. Late September/early October I bought a piece of moldavite in Salem, MA (I’m from the area) from a shop on Derby Street. Coyotes mate for life and diligently care for their young.Invoke Coyote as a Power Animal when you need to turn your frown upside down. Don’t be startled or afraid, brother. But if I try standing to leave they force me to sit. I am glad that Nikakwaho’ ta’:’ah, Coyote, has broken into my life and now nips at my toes when I begin to become too complacent or numb. Then when I got on the path near our yard I took special care to move quietly, the way I had been taught to as a boy. Then they resume fighting with eagle diving in and out while coyote snaps and snarls. Not the car, but at me. The wolf jumped up and attacked the fox as if it were protecting me from the fox. Part of me thinks, the coyote only stopped to look because they were thinking, “Wait, is that A PERSON running around here at this hour? They also love to play practical jokes and pranks on their peers. They certainly do not laugh at themselves. I thought it was a fox at first because I have a fox den in the woods about 250 yards away. Sometimes, lately, I run at night. It turned out to be a large rock covered in moss, but to my eyes, it was a breathing, sleeping coyote. Now, during this time period, and I still am, I was unemployed, a contract had just finished and I was out of luck.

I was coming home from a friends house and as i step on my front porch i get the feeling that someone is watching me.