0 0 0. A bearded dragon can eat peas, snow peas or mangetout and snap peas including canned and frozen ones.

Once in a fortnight won’t harm your pet.Can I give my beardie watercress or yellow cress? This vegetable is with vitamin A, B6, C, and K, manganese, potassium, magnesium, folate, copper, phosphorus, and thiamine.However, these zucchinis are high in phosphorus, if fed frequency can lead to depletion of calcium, causing metabolic bone disease.If your bearded dragon is not eating greens, there are many reasons, including the reasons why they may not be eating any food. Green beans are reveled by many bearded dragons and are a good source of beta carotene and vitamin B. See their diet requirements.Read More » Healthy Veggies for Bearded Dragons See which veggies are safe for any bearded dragon to eat. They also have thiamine, phosphorus, potassium, among other nutrients.Bearded dragons can eat parsnips occasionally. Cooked carrots are not harmful but may not be very nutritious and appealing.Can beardies eat dandelions? Katarina is an environmental analyst and she has been involved with herpetology researches. While it has proteins, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins B, C, E, and K as well as calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, and manganese, its phosphorus level is way too high.Remember, excess phosphorus may impair normal calcium absorption, and it also has goitrogens.Cress or garden cress is a spicy edible herb related to watercress and mustard. It has is a nephrotoxin that will damage their kidney and has high oxalic levels of about 1336 mg per gram of this plant.This high oxalic acid will impede calcium absorption, and this can lead to Turnip or white turnip is a vegetable with an edible white fleshy root as well as edible leaves often referred to as to turnip greens.Can bearded dragons eat turnip greens? However, their calcium level is low, and its ratio to phosphorus is less than one.All types of this legume, including the lima, string, black, and runner’s bean and their immature bean pods (green beans), are ok. They also have fiber, folate, vitamin A and C, as well as phytochemicals such as carotenoids, among other nutrients depending on the specific type.Finally, although the bearded dragon’s list of greens may include some wild and landscaping plants, we will cover it separately on You need to know the right vegetable proportion depending on their age, whether they can be raw or cooked, canned or frozen, how to prepare them, and much more.The quantities of veggies to feed your bearded dragon will depend on their age, i.e., whether they are babies, juveniles, or adults.Whereas you can give them cooked or raw or fresh vegetables, we recommend fresh, raw ones as they are more natural and nutritious.
If you go for dried ones, you need to sufficiently wet first. It is a good source of fiber, magnesium, folate, vitamin A, C, K, and B6.Beardies can eat okra as an occasional vegetable. Can Bearded Dragons Eat Pineapples? Avoid salted canned corn and only give them if it does not have any harmful additives or preservatives, including salt.Chard or Swiss chard is a very nutritious leafy vegetable with green or reddish leaves. Bearded dragons can eat baby mice (also called fuzzy mice), but it’s very unnatural for dragons to eat mice.

It is a good source of vitamin A including beta-carotene, potassium, vitamin B6, biotin.However, its level of vitamin A is a little high, and excessive amounts may cause vitamin A toxicity, especially if given with other veggies high in this vitamin or supplements that have it. Mites & Parasites in Bearded Dragons Bearded dragons can get mites. These greens are rich in calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamin such as vitamins C, A, and K, as well as carbs, fibers, among others.It is one of the staple greens for these pets with moderate oxalates. Yes, but not recommended as they have a very high phosphorus to calcium ratio which is dangerous for these dragons. This is not a list of what foods they should eat, but a list of foods that people have asked question about and we say whether they can or not. Despite their faults, mealworms are the easiest species of feeder insect to raise at home, so every lizard owner should always have a small colony at hand.However, if you have a lid with a wire mesh on your terrarium, it may happen that a moth will fly in (attracted by the lightbulb) and that your beardie will hunt it and munch it down with pleasure. However, avoid dried beans as these pets will not be able to eat them.They have proteins, vitamin A including beta-carotene, C, K, thiamin, folate, manganese, iron, and other nutrients.A bearded dragon can eat peas, snow peas or mangetout and snap peas including canned and frozen ones.

4 Answers. katzen. Yes, while it is safe, this lizard should eat sweet potatoes as a rare treat.